Sometimes my intuition simply wont leave me alone. This is what - TopicsExpress


Sometimes my intuition simply wont leave me alone. This is what happened with this email. For the last 36 hours, my intuition has been pulling at me to write this. My higher guidance asked me to write a note to you regarding what you need to know in 2015 if you want to transform your life, grow your business, and allow authentic wealth to take root in your life. I was amazed as I went back and read through this, because it lays out exactly what you need to do if you want to grow your wealth and create greater meaning and fulfillment in your life over the course of 2015. Here we go: The end of the year is always one of my favorite times. I love the holidays, the connection to family, and the beauty of the changing seasons. I also love the sense of reflection on the past year, and the sense of hopefulness about the upcoming year. But I didnt always used to feel this way. In fact, just a few years ago, the holidays were a time of fear and resistance for me. I resented having to see my friends and family because they would discover how little Id achieved, and theyd see how little I was doing with my life. Or even worse, theyd laugh and joke behind my back about how I was the crazy psychic one who couldnt seem to find his way. Then the internal conversation would begin about how I wasted another year, wasnt living up to my potential or purpose, and was wasting so much valuable time, even though I know I had the potential to change lives and to help a lot of people. Now keep in mind this was entirely in my head, but as one of my mentors says, Projection is perception. Which means that for me this reality was...well very real. It wasnt until I got to a place where my commitment to help others, to transform my life, and to really embrace my purpose became bigger than my circumstances that things began to shift and change. As you reflect on this year and look toward the next what are you feeling? Hopeful and excited about what you could create? Or fearful and worried about if youll spend another year unfulfilled, struggling to make money and create wealth, and knowing that you could serve a lot more people if only you could somehow get out of your own way? As we move into 2015 theres an evolution happening in the entrepreneurial community. More than ever before, we need the conscious leaders of the world to heal their wounds, embrace their purpose, and start living the principles they profess and teach to others. We are transitioning from an information economy to a wisdom economy. Those who are willing to do their inner work, to move beyond authenticity and into embodiment, and who are willing to transform from the inside out will become the next generation of spiritual and entrepreneurial leaders on the planet. The next question becomes obvious, How do I do this? Once you have felt the calling inside of you to become more, to serve more, to allow more wealth into your life, the universe produces opportunity after opportunity for you to say YES to this calling. You arent required to suffer, you arent being given a test, but you may be saying NO to that which is before you to help you grow because it has come to you in the form of a challenging circumstance, which generally just means a circumstance outside of your plan. You begin by realizing you have right now what you need to take the next step on your journey. Indeed, you have all that you need for every stage of your journey, although you may lack access to it or awareness of it in this moment. The next step is to get the level of support that is aligned to your vision so that you can become the person capable of actually receiving the fruits of your vision. People often ask me, Why didnt I get results in....(insert particular coaching program)? The truth is: you did get results they just werent the results you asked for, or you thought you needed. From your perception, you have failed, but I would say that you have simply gotten awareness and knowledge for which you dont yet know the reason. If, however, you are not getting the results you feel you need to move you toward your vision and your desire it is because one of two things (or both) are true. Either: 1. You were looking for a savior. Someone to fix you. Someone to give you the answers. Someone to take away your pain and gift you with that which you desire. This level of consciousness necessitates disappointment almost from the moment you begin a program. If you want to achieve greater success you must begin a program from the level of awareness that says, I have that which I need already, and this program will simply allow me to access it at deeper levels. Or... 2. You got the wrong level of support relative to your vision. If you have a big, multiple six figure vision and you want to achieve it in the next year then you are going to need a different level of support than if you want to create some side income or get the fundamentals in place for your business. Sometimes we purchase a program because the price is right or it seems convenient to us rather than because its really the right person to support us. You must get the level of support that is most closely aligned to your vision in this moment. We are hardwired to the universe to require connection and support to thrive. Look at nature: could you imagine if a flower said, Im going to grow all by myself. I dont need you sunlight. I dont need you rain. I dont need you soil. And yet, how many of us do that in our business? We dont allow the nourishment we need at the spiritual or practical level to come in? Whereas a plant will adapt to its environment to get the necessary nutrients it need, we actually convince ourselves that we dont need the nutrients! What would truly be different in your heart, in your life, and in your bank account if you allowed yourself to be truly supported? What would be different in your business if you allowed yourself to be fully nourished so that you could show-up in the world, in every interaction, as a being of potential, of light, of possibility and of complete transformation? What journey do you want to take in 2015? A journey of pretending you have it all? A journey of telling yourself everything will get better tomorrow? Or a journey of willingness? A journey of transformation? And a journey of being open to doing what it takes, on the inner and outer level, to bring more wealth into your life? Because in the end, thats the choice were always faced with. Will I stay the course or will I take, as Robert Frost writes, the road less traveled? Neither choice is wrong. Both are valid. And yet, if youre resonating with these words, you know that one path holds your potential, your success, and your ability to make an impact. And one path holds more of the same. If youd like to have a conversation with me about what level of support is the right level of support for you to begin moving toward your vision in 2015, Id like to open up my personal calendar and invite you to have an Intuitive Business Breakthrough Session with me. https://timetrade/book/ZD1NN During this session, I will connect to my higher guidance and your higher guidance, and help you get in touch with the right direction for your business and your vision moving forward. I will help you uncover why you havent been moving forward as quickly as you would like, and well experience healing and breakthroughs on this call. If youre heart is calling out that you have a bigger purpose this is for you. This session costs you nothing other than 30 minutes of your valuable time. Click here to schedule. If it isnt right for you, thats completely OK. If, however, you know that you need to at least explore what might be possible for you in the next year, then I invite you to click here https://timetrade/book/ZD1NN This is normally the part where Id make something up about a limited number of sessions, but the truth is: I will do as many of these sessions as I absolutely can, and they will be done on a first-come-first-serve basis. One of the things Im very proud of in my business is that every level of support we offer from very affordable entry level programs all the way up to intense, high-level transformational support focus on combining the practical steps with the necessary wealth-expanding inner work that is required to get real results quickly. I look forward to speaking with you, if you want to be sitting here, this time next year with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and awe for your life and your business https://timetrade/book/ZD1NN From my mind to yours, Michael p.s. you have the ability to architect your life in amazing ways. Just thought you should know.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:59:50 +0000

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