Sometimes need to use example just can make unsure people or can - TopicsExpress


Sometimes need to use example just can make unsure people or can not understanding people to know it or know what kind mood or situation , and to make example belong theyre standpoint just some or a lot or almost not all , just like male can not understanding when female to attack female way , mother-in-law forget when self is daughter-in-law or just male girlfriends and to be mother is long time can not to feeling again or just wait become mother-in-law can ravage self daughter-in-law like self mother-in-law to do same way . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some male to stop up female love affair way also totally dirty , this is come from stalker to find out , some males follow a long time to appear front unsure people talking rumor and lie to said Im is hes girlfriends or wife in my this kind situation , when Im have nice life into good life or have mate , have influence from this kind male people will thinking you just use him than attack to you or revenge for him because they fall on this kind male betray theyre thinking way just like to pretend of me that person make unsure people to attack real me revenge for to pretend of me that person . Just like this part : And some males parents also will to do some dirty thing to females life , just want you can be self sons mate or wife will send rumor influence your love affair emotion life , one side no one can accept to you , another side even you dont want be theyre sons mate or wife your life still non of theyre business they dont care and you just can stand up with self no one will believe to you , the most point when you marry to theyre son , they can ravage to you with to pretend they self is kindly no one accept to you they just to accept and you should thanks and very appreciate so daughter-in-law should be take without standpoint to blame or easy that self son to fling away with you , no one will attack or ravage or judge to male with his parents . Some male to catch love affair just like this part parents never will use right way or normal way , they will prefer front can make self life to get convenient this kind way to set future daughter-in-law life when that female didnt to know theyre son .
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:23:08 +0000

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