Sometimes one is at a loss for what to say or what to write, - TopicsExpress


Sometimes one is at a loss for what to say or what to write, because one does no longer like or understand the world one lives in. However, should the bestial murders of the editorial staff of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris have been committed in the name of religious fanatism, suffice it to say the following: Suppose there really is a god by any name, shape or form, disregarding whichever religion he belongs to; if now this god were really as cool and powerful as always claimed, and furthermore if he did create this world, the universe and the surrounding mess all by himself, do you snivelling, narrow-minded, sycophantic adherents of whatever faith actually believe that he needs you, of all people, to do away with all those that do not see with your allegedly hightened, enlightened perspective? Do you actually believe that this almighty divine entity would be just as incredibly arrogant, thick-as-a-brick and without a sense of humour as you are, and that it would be so pathetic that it needed your help? And do you truly believe, that shouting meaningless slogans and killing innocents is the smart way to convince others of your charity? Not a single faith of any religion has ever been proven by anyone on this world; for this reason, they are called faiths in the first place. At the core of each religion, right next to praise of the deity of your choice, is, however, the pursuit of love and charity, regardless of the names and stories that surround it. Why, then, for millenia, has religion been at least the alleged main cause for most wars, murders and violent conflicts on this earth? Why does every other idiot abuse their faith for violence? This statement is directed not only at fanatical Islamists. Truly, Christians dont have to hide behind others; fortunately for them, their worst deeds lie back just a little further in time. When it comes down to it, the nitty-gritty of all religious wars ultimately remains stupidity combined with hubris. Those who are too daft to present their point verbally, or, rather, too dim-witted to even have a point, those are the ones that resort to punching the face of their conversational partner to keep them from talking. Violence ultimately signifies the declaration of bankruptcy in the personal intelligence department. Yet, no matter how loud and brutal the voice of stupidity may ring out, it must not and will never silence common sense; it is simply too stupid to achieve this. And another thing directed at all those now trying to abuse these terrible events for generalising xenophobia or anti-Islam propaganda: These offenders werent devout Muslims, nor were they the Islam. They were insane tossers. Regrettably, those can be found anywhere. Yet if there really is a god, he will hopefully conduct a holy lightning bolt right up your arses. Same goes for your like-minded, pig-headed idiot sympathisers, who suffer from irrational intolerance and in turn made others suffer, just to preach their bizarrely botched vision of their god or to enforce it through violence. May he give the collective lot of you a blessed kick downstairs to his clubfooted colleague, lest ye are made to stew in the juices of your stupidity in purgatory for all eternity. Amen or whatever.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:45:10 +0000

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