Sometimes parents, especially of young children mention to us that - TopicsExpress


Sometimes parents, especially of young children mention to us that their kids complain about coming to class. The parents acknowledge that the kids like the class once they are here, yet the parents worry that they may be losing interest. In many cases, the child is not telling you he or she doesn’t like the classes. Often, he or she is demonstrating that they are “Present Focused”. At early stages of development, kids are not always able to project their thinking into the future, and weigh the potential for future enjoyment and future benefits. For example, if you offered a young child a dollar now, or twenty dollars in a month, they will often choose the dollar now, and it’s immediate gratification. They have not developed their ability to visualize the goals that they will be achieving in the future. To deal with this, first of all, understand that the child may be delighted with the lessons, and still demonstrate this behavior. My child complains about coming to class…What Should I do…? Talk with your child… not when he is complaining, but at a later time. Explain to your child that you will no longer accept complaints about his or her commitment to take karate. Explain that karate is not an activity, but a place of learning just like regular school. Tell your child to speak to the Instructor. By doing this, you have given your child a grown up approach to addressing any real problems. You are also reinforcing the importance of stick-to-it-ness and commitment, characteristics that will pay high dividends later in your child’s life. Karate training will educate and motivate your child to have a positive attitude about achieving goals, both short and long term. In order to do this, we must have a firm commitment from the parents to present the child twice a week. If your child complains, hold your hand up and say you made a commitment to attend karate classes twice a week. I will no longer accept complaints!! If you have complaints about your class, let’s set up a time to speak with your instructor!! When your child does come without complaining, let him or her know how much this pleases you! Being firm and consistent now will make a difference in the future. Remember that guys name who quit?... neither does anyone else
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 05:21:41 +0000

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