Sometimes people come into our lives and quickly realize that this - TopicsExpress


Sometimes people come into our lives and quickly realize that this happens because it must be like to serve a purpose, to teach a lesson , to discover who we really are , to teach us what we want. You do not know who these people are , but when you set your eyes on them you know and understand that they will affect your life in a profound way . Sometimes things happen that you seem horrible , painful and unfair , but in reality understand that without you overcome these things would never have realized your potential , strength or power of your heart. Everything happens for a reason in life. Nothing happens by chance or by luck. Illness , injury , love , lost moments of greatness or sheer nonsense , everything happens to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests , life would be like a newly paved road soft and smooth , direct road aimlessly anywhere, flat , comfortable and safe , and wrongly tarnished . The people you meet affect your life . Falls and triumphs that you experience create who you are . You can still learn from bad experiences , nay , perhaps they are the most significant in our lives. If someone hurts you, betrays you or breaks your heart , give thanks that you have been taught the importance of forgiving and be more careful who you open your heart . If someone loves you , you love him for him, not because he loves you but because it has taught you to love and open your heart and eyes to little things of life. Make every day count and appreciate every moment and learn everything you can learn, because maybe later do not have the opportunity to learn what you have to learn from this moment . Start a conversation with people youve never dialogued and really listen to them and pay attention. Let yourself fall in love , break free and set your view in a well alto.Mantén your head up because you have every right to do so. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe . If you do not believe in yourself no one else will .
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 14:43:46 +0000

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