Sometimes people have arguments. One person thinks they are right, - TopicsExpress


Sometimes people have arguments. One person thinks they are right, the other wrong, and vice versa. As the argument mounts, the sense of separation between them increases. They each believe more and more that they are right/innocent, and the other is wrong/guilty. Unfortunately, they are both stuck in a much bigger deception. There is an unconscious aspect to the mind, where a large amount of nasty stuff lurks. It is denied and repressed, thus outside of conscious awareness. This nasty unconscious ego is shared by both parties. In fact, as it would seem, the two individuals actually are projections from that unconscious mind. The unconscious ego has a vicious plan. Its plan is to separate and fragment the Son of God. The more it can create divisions within His Oneness, the `happier` this ego is. What its managed to do, is to pit two parts of One Self against each other. The two people are now arguing and, as a result, are separating from each other psychologically. The unconscious ego does not care, at all, whether one or the other of the two parties are right, or justified. There is no justice at all in its outlook. It gives the victim and victimizer the same credit, and indeed, both of these individuals may be both victim and victimizer at the same time. All the ego cares about, is that these two people believe that sin, guilt, and wrongfulness, is in the `other person` and not in themselves. They both believe it. They both care about being the one who wins. But they are both losing, at the same time. The more they try to win, the more they lose, because separation increases. The only goal of this unconscious ego is to increase the sense of separation in the One Self. These two individuals might not realize they are actually One Self, because they see so much separation between each other. And they probably are taking personally everything that the other is saying. What is required here is to blow the cover of the unconscious ego, by not playing its game. This entails that both parties are willing to identify that this isnt a personal argument, its an argument BY the unconscious ego, with itself, to try to increase separation. There is no real way to win. Both parties must see that they are both in the same boat. Now they have a shared interest. They can see that the best interests of each other is that they both stop the argument, and heal the separation. It is in both their interests to see each other as equally innocent. This brings the unconscious game to an end. It cant play out without their participation. This entails realizing there is actually always a THIRD PARTY in every argument, in every hatred, in every grievance. That third party is the unconscious ego which is constantly trying to increase the sense of separation from God. Separation from God does not bring peace, so as long as they maintain their fight they will both lose their peace. They have to cooperate, against the third party ego, in order to dissolve its game. When they do this, they both step outside of the `taking it personally` and step into a shared space. In that shared space, they are joined. Psychologically they are no longer separated, and can see the equality and oneness in each other. This is a miracle! This miracle undoes all of the power and impact of the unconscious ego, since it is a joint choice in the direction of Oneness - in the direction of God. This is a `vertical` movement, which is described in the ACIM miracle principles as being the requirement of a miracle. So when you next find yourself with a grievance, or a gripe, or a grudge, or a hatred, or frustration with someone, realize youre being played. Youre being taken advantage of by the unconscious mind. There is absolutely no way to win at being right. If you win, you lose your peace. Youd rather be right than happy. To be happy, you must let both yourself and your brother off the hook and see that you are both united as One, and that therefore you have completely undone the belief in separation. Congratulations! You have applied forgiveness.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:44:37 +0000

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