Sometimes, some instances send a beam of hope into our lives, - TopicsExpress


Sometimes, some instances send a beam of hope into our lives, reassuring that we are not alone, that the world is not all dark. That is how nights of pessimism are lighted up. Today, I had a very memorable experience. It was late in the evening when we returned after a short trip. The darkness had deepened, and the night was falling. I was riding down the new A L Jacob over bridge on my car with my wife and little kid, when it suddenly broke down. Hardly could I push aside the car to give way to the vehicles that rode down the over bridge. The car would not get started; seemed the battery failed. Being Sunday, there was no way to get help from an automobile workshop. My attempt to contact some automobile workshop went vain, as no one was available, being Sunday evening. I thought I would have to leave the car by the wayside for all night; but had to take my wife and little kid back home, which was a few kilometers afar. So, I contacted my cousin, who started from his home, which even would take some time. Meanwhile, a dwarfish old man with an untidy cloth bag in his hand, simply came to me and asked what happened. Even though, he didn’t seem like a person to ask a favour, I told him that my car has broken down, and quizzed him if I can find any workshop near by. He told me that there aren’t anything near by. Moreover, being Sunday made it worse. Anyhow, he disappeared. We simply sat in the car, desperately trying to start it. The car seemed dead! A few minutes later, the old man re-appeared with a tempo-driver, who was resting in his vehicle somewhere in the junction. The driver apologetically said that he is no mechanic, but would try to help me. He opened the bonnet and examined the battery, which has its wires loosened. He himself got some spanner or so and somehow tightened it. Meanwhile the old man came again, gathering some young men, with a mechanic among them (I knew that from the moment the old man saw us desperate in the car, he had been seeking someone to help us). With their help, the dead car was brought to life. They even refused to take the money I offered for the favour. This is not the first time that I have seen God’s angels on my way. From where they come, and to where they disappear…I don’t know. But, definitely, this is not the first time. I am sure, God is watching over his dear ones, where ever they are, in whichever dire straits they are caught up. And such sparks of goodness is really soothing to our sickened times, preoccupied with selfishness. These instances helps me keep faith in the goodness of mankind even amidst the so called selfish times.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 17:18:09 +0000

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