Sometimes something happens in life that should be the subject of - TopicsExpress


Sometimes something happens in life that should be the subject of a PSA. I want to start this by saying I cant understand the attention seeking many modern parents have developed in the last few years. Whether it be theyre going on Facebook company pages whining something slight to do with their children, seeking out the local news to air some minor grievance about their children, or airing out their drama in public places by talking very loudly on their cell phones. Today I was grocery shopping when I heard her coming. Drama Mama. She was only a couple decibels away from shouting she was talking so loud. From her end of the conversation, I determined quickly it was about the abusive ex, assholeish father of the children, how hed acted one night and they Couldnt even go to dinner and I had to hide in my room and Michelle needs to tell him to stop acting like a jerk! It was a trifecta of annoyance for me; one, I cant stand personal shit like that being aired, two, I cant stand attention junkies, three, I couldnt stand the sheer volume of her voice. I rapidly left the aisle but she insisted on following along. I passed three aisles and wound up in the milk section. You could hear her from three aisles away. The was an employee in the section stocking Pillsbury or something like that. I must have had a completely disgusted look on my face. The employee started laughing. In turn, I started laughing. I selected some dairy products. Then, Drama Mama wound up beside us, still yapping away. Both the employee and I started laughing again. And then the woman says to her friend on the phone, I cant hear you, there are some people laughing too loud! LOL!! Back to the PSA part - I want to make one that basically implies, Dear Drama Cell Phone Parent. Everyone in public hates you. Why dont you talk in an indoor voice for a change?
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 21:05:03 +0000

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