Sometimes the Universe throws you a curve ball.... It just has. A - TopicsExpress


Sometimes the Universe throws you a curve ball.... It just has. A nice little test for me now regarding moving to LA next year. After some emails back and forth, I cant set up my own company in the US as first thought. As its only me in the company immigration wont have none of it as they need to see both entities running smoothly by people in each county. It does make sense, that wouldnt seem viable to me if I was looking at my case either. The next thing, is that the visa I can go for is called an O-1b. Due to the fact recently (in the past 3/4 years) I havent done enough acting/producing/directing work of note that has been recognised in the UK, I wont be able to do any of those things in the US. Initially I thought this was a HUGE bummer. I wanted to get back into doing this stuff again. Im not disheartened about it anymore. Its actually a blessing. Heres why... Over the last year and a half, Ive had many many many things happen that have held a mirror up to me with the message about just being myself. Events, people and circumstances have all pointed in my removing my mask and being Steve..... me. The great news is that as I will be Head of US Entertainment for my company with this visa, I will... able to be the present on any projects I create (great news) ....still be able to mentor/coach people on personal impact / communication skills able to do all the things a CEO would do regarding making financial and strategic decisions .....if I want to, I will also be able to hold screenings of my spoof documentary If I shoot that before I leave the UK able to change the type of visa once Im there. How cool is that. Who knows, the acting/producing/director visa could be on the cards after a while. This is actually a HUGE win for me. The awesome thing is, as long as all the information I provide is accepted by the immigration, the visa will only take 6-8 weeks to be approved. The other amazing thing is that it will cost only $4,000 to get one for THREE years. Yup, you heard it, three years (assuming I get accepted). Which is a real gift, right? The most important thing is that I get to California and start out in LA. The pull I feel is massive. Once Im there, I know the magic will takes its course and awesomeness on many levels will explode. Im actually wondering why Ive posted this as I type. Hahaha. Maybe to share that in life, sometimes there is a bigger mission, a better way than we can personally see for ourselves . The art of surrendering and trusting here is what has come up in a big way. Time for me to trust more than I ever have done before. Peace
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 18:38:34 +0000

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