Sometimes the door is open but we ignore it... Sometimes our - TopicsExpress


Sometimes the door is open but we ignore it... Sometimes our assignment is complete but we keep holding on waiting to see the change take place. Sometimes folks change long after we have parted company. We may never fully see the impact that we have on others. But as long as we are saying and doing what the Lord leads us to say and do, thats all that matters. Its up to the person to receive it and then seek the Lord for answers, clarification, confirmation, instruction and guidance. We can share the truth, but we cannot force someone to receive it, especially not on our own timetable.. We plant the seed and sometimes we water seed. The Lord gives the increase and HE draws folks unto himself. Know when someone is only meant to be a part of your life for a short term basis. Know when someone is meant to be in your life, for a lifetime. Know when its time to move on. But dont forget to keep folks on your prayer list. And pray for yourself too, pray that you will have the maturity and self-restraint to move on when its time to move on...
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 00:07:08 +0000

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