Sometimes the loss of a single life that has touched many brings - TopicsExpress


Sometimes the loss of a single life that has touched many brings out the grief of losses in all of us. Such is the case in the tragic death of Robin Williams, whose public personna showed us lifes laughter and generosity. Our response in remembering becomes one of turning our lives toward the joy we saw in his that attracted us, and living in order that we too, though in much less public ways, might share moments of joy and generosity with others around us. Below is Williams (in)famous list of the top 10 reasons to be Episcopalian. We remember that some of the best humor is that through which we learn to laugh at ourselves. God comfort the loneliness we do not know - And God bless us as, in all of our amazing diversity, we come to Gods table seeking the Holy, and tasting Love. Top 10 Reasons to be an Episcopalian - (from an HBO special featuring the late comedian Robin Williams, who is an Episcopalian) 10. No snake handling. 9. You can believe in dinosaurs. 8. Male and female God created them; male and female we ordain them. 7. You dont have to check your brains at the door. 6. Pew aerobics. 5. Church year is color-coded. 4. Free wine on Sunday. 3. All of the pageantry - none of the guilt. 2. You dont have to know how to swim to get baptized. And the Number One reason to be an Episcopalian: 1. No matter what you believe, theres bound to be at least one other Episcopalian who agrees with you.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:30:34 +0000

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