Sometimes the one thing in life that you want more than anything - TopicsExpress


Sometimes the one thing in life that you want more than anything is completely out of your control. You tell yourself that someday your time will come, and that you should be patient. Ive always been the person to go after whatever it is I wanted, but when it comes to love, I’ve learned the hard way. Love is something that cannot be chased. The more I do, the more it slips through my fingers. Its difficult to not think about it when I’m constantly surrounded by it. Its a constant reminder of everything I want, but dont have. I have this vision in my head of the kind of life that I want to live, and without someone to share it with it all seems so pointless. Is it normal to not feel whole without someone? No matter how content I am with myself and my own happiness, I cant shake the fact that I want someone to share my life with. I often think maybe I am being punished for not trying harder when I did have someone. And if I did try harder, would it have been the right decision? Although I don’t believe in living in the past, and whatever happened there obviously happened for a reason, its still hard to not question yourself from time to time and ask yourself if you could have done something different. It’s become extremely overwhelming to find a balance between the pressure to follow everyone else & the pressure to follow your own desires. Thanks to this constant battle of of the head, heart, and humanity I find myself going a little crazy from time to time. It takes me stepping back from situations and really analyzing my actions to see what I can do to improve myself. I’ve learned that some of the best things in life are worth the wait, and that the amount of time we are willing to wait is equal to the value we place on the item in question. Settling because you are lonely is no way to go about finding happiness, or security. Having said that, I believe in the laws of attraction, meaning I believe that we attract the attitude we present to the world. If you are a pessimist, you will continue to attract pessimistic people into your life. Same goes with optimists, and with that, desperation only attracts more desperation. It’s taken me a while to understand why this happens. The only conclusion I have found is that in able to find what you’re actively searching for, you must first find it in ourselves. In order to find and attract love, we must love ourselves first and foremost. If you don’t love yourself, then you will never be able to love someone else, and no one else will be able to love you in return. Now for some of you, that may seem so simple. I just have to love myself, that should be easy! Well I can guarantee that its not as simple as you may think. Its been a long journey for me…which has included a move to a new city, leaving behind friends and family. Removing toxic people from my life that were only bringing me down, and learning to be content with being alone. It’s been a year of changes, but all of which have completely changed my outlook on life for the best. So often I hear friends of mine wondering why they can’t find love and happiness, and I ask them why they feel the need to seek it. Sadly, more times than not, I hear because I don’t like to be alone.” So my words of advice to all of them, and even myself, is to take a deep breathe…Find whatever it is that truly makes you happy, and fall so in love with yourself that you don’t seek out someone else to fill that void. Eventually, when you least expect it, love will find you. And until then, focus on loving yourself.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 06:15:28 +0000

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