Sometimes the simplest way to drop the baditude and bring on the - TopicsExpress


Sometimes the simplest way to drop the baditude and bring on the happiness can come through an everyday action. Certain actions activate oxytocin, aka the love hormone, which is known to induce feelings of love, trust, and a sense of bonding. When you’re feeling funky, oxytocin can turn your mood around, make you feel more connected and revive your overall energy. There are a few natural ways to rev up the oxytocin engine when you’ve got the blues. These great tips can be applied anywhere, anytime. Take a minute for a miracle and let the love hormone lead the way. The first tip is to place your hand on your heart. By putting your own hand on your heart, you stimulate the love hormone, which sends out the inner signal that it’s safe to calm down. Once you place your hand onto your heart, breathe into it. As you breathe into your heart, imagine feelings of love, compassion and ease passing over you. Proactively collaborate in your healing by breathing into your heart. This exercise will stimulate the flow of oxytocin. Then stress will subside and peace will set in. Another great way to stimulate oxytocin is to give someone a 20-second hug. Yup it’s that simple. Just give someone you love a little squeeze. Make sure the hug is reciprocated. It’s important that the gesture ignite a sense of connection, which will in turn stimulate oxytocin. Hug your lover, your best friend, or even your pet. The sweet connection between two beings can totally change your mood. My last suggestion is to flaunt your pearly whites and smile at someone. A genuine, heartfelt smile can connect you to a complete stranger. Smile at people you know and feel free to smile at strangers. Just express authentic, heart-centered grace through the generous gesture of a smile. In an instant, you’ll feel love rush in. Love doesn’t have to come from a romantic partner or a child. Love can come from any form of authentic connection. Take time in your life to create those connections and trust that you’re not serving yourself but you’re also spreading the love.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:35:18 +0000

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