Sometimes there is simply no answer, and you just dont understand. - TopicsExpress


Sometimes there is simply no answer, and you just dont understand. You have pressure and questions in abundance, but you rest in a place of calm assurance that you cant explain in any terms the carnal mind could comprehend. It simply is not time yet for you to understand, because you are on the journey and havent arrived at the end of the matter yet. Praise is special in these times, because it comes not from abundance, but from the core of who you desire to be in God; and is fueled not by completed answers and understanding but simply by faith and trust in His promises. As for me I have a unique calling and purpose, as perhaps you do too, and God has required some among us to walk unique paths to pursue it. I received some very sure confirmation and direction deep in my soul yesterday, and it still points in a direction that is very off the beaten path. Whereas most men walk trails clearly defined and worn by the footfalls of countless before them, there are always the select few who always have to walk where perhaps no foot has stepped before them. Elisha did so with Elijah, even while the school of prophets stayed together but oh so far away. I understand more of how Jesus endured the cross than ever before, because He extended Himself far beyond the present, and for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross. If you are on a similar journey, be encouraged. Your final answers may not come until far in the future, but do not veer from the path the Spirit of God is leading you down. Whatever you do, dont compromise, fit a role, or be normal. Be conformed not by man, but by God. God uses the abnormal in the most unique ways. I am praising the Lord this morning for the rest of the journey. Blessings!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:01:48 +0000

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