Sometimes we dont know the greater purpose of things. I can only - TopicsExpress


Sometimes we dont know the greater purpose of things. I can only say that the release of Christian Mingle has brought me in touch with so many magnificent people who have touched my live; Radio Interviews, Podcasts and of course all of you here... and I do mean ALL OF YOU. Your response to what I thought was just a delightful little story/incident at Walmart the other day sparked something bigger than I could have ever imagined. It ignited our community once again and while reading all of your comments - and I have read them all - even those who chose to see a cynical side and comment thusly - to which I did sometimes comment back - I have seen a view of the world and humanity that says there is good and we recognize good and we want good and light and love in our lives. None of this has ANYTHING to do with the movie - Christian Mingle is, at its core, just what I hope is a funny Rom Com - but the process of talking about it, the sharing, has shed light on a greater purpose, at least in my life; affirmation that we are good, we are loving - despite all the crap in the world - there is love and compassion and humility. Lessons of the man Jesus, and for me, personal lessons taught daily by my mother. What a wonderful circle! All because of a movie... Along those lines, as said above, I have had the opportunity to talk to wonderful people about the movie over the last few days. The other day I talked to a couple of younger guys, Christians, who host a great podcast that is essentially about films - they love movies - all movies. We had a wonderful conversation about movies in general but really focused on what makes a Christian Film, or as youll hear if you choose to listen - what are Christian Films too often missing. Obviously there are some great Faith based movies, Christian movies, but all too often there is an overwhelming sentiment that movies of faith are to faithy too Christian. Too on the nose, over the top and preachy. Like with all things, indeed there are good movies and bad movies - both technically speaking and content wise. So what makes or could make a great Christian movie. A road you know that the mind of Corbin lives to explore! If youd like, please enjoy the link below to hear the full interview. Its about an hour long - I mean you have me in a room with no time limit to talk about one of my favorite subjects so you know its gonna be long. Lots of exploring and forgive me ahead of time if I say things - in my exploration - that might give pause. Know that my heart remains true to seek truth and love. Enjoy and thanks SO MUCH for your generous abundance of support on Christian Mingle. I have a few surprises in store for the week ahead so stay tuned! morethanonelesson/episode-122-with-special-guest-corbin-bernsen
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 17:35:14 +0000

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