Sometimes we find ourselves living in an uncommon fear of what is - TopicsExpress


Sometimes we find ourselves living in an uncommon fear of what is going on around us. It happens to us all at one time or another... We find ourselves victims to the insecurities implanted by this world and bound by worries that seem to break our very will to live. However, if we believe in, have faith in, and trust in, the Lord Jesus Christ we should not be bound by such things! The Bible addresses this issue of fear many times, but one of my personal favorites moments is when Jesus confronted it as he spoke to the disciples on the Sea of Galilee during a raging storm as fear and thoughts of death had gripped them… all it took was one simple phrase from The Lord: It is I, be not afraid. My friends, whatever situation has allowed fear to grip you and not let go… Jesus is the antidote to ALL fear! That problem that keeps stressing you out… Jesus is the remedy for EVERY trouble! And no matter what circumstance is overwhelming you in your life today… He is the definition of YOUR deliverance! If we trust in the Lord, then we should rise above ALL fear! Let us keep our eyes fastened upon Him; let us abide continually in Him; let us be content with Him and only then WILL we see Victory in our lives daily!! My prayer for each of you today is Psalms 46:2: Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. So may we all be encouraged today… There is nothing this world has that we, who believe in Jesus Christ, should fear... Through our Lord Jesus Christ, we are VICTORS, not VICTIMS... because whatever we fear, we have power over in HIS mighty name... Have a blessed Sunday my friends!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 13:19:09 +0000

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