Sometimes what we want and what we need are 2 totally different - TopicsExpress


Sometimes what we want and what we need are 2 totally different things. I am watching Riley as she is preparing for her move. The pressure is building for her because she does not have a car yet. She is going to get one when she gets out to Georgia. We are trying to help her make the right decisions and not rush into anything just to have something. She is so concerned about placing a burden on others when she gets there that she is about ready to make some hasty decisions. This morning, I told her that I was praying for Gods will to be done in all of this, and that she would get what she needed, not necessarily what she wanted. I pretty much thought her head was going to explode before me. How could I do such a thing! How dare I pray such a thing? She was so mad at me for saying this. I told her that I would rather have her handle things correctly and learn the right lesson from this than to have her just get her way and have things handed to her. Do I understand where she is coming from? Yes. Nobody wants to be a burden on anyone. The problem isn’t that at all. It’s in her attitude. Her attitude is what I am struggling with. The more stressed she becomes from not getting her way, the worse her behavior is getting. I think it’s true in all of us. We live in a have it your way and get it yesterday society. Technology has spoiled us. The fast pace of life has made things so easy that when we do not get what we want immediately, it’s like a national crisis. Will everything work out? You bet! I think that this attitude we have all developed where we are to lean on no one, and do everything on our own has hardened us all and made us so independent that we cannot humble ourselves to even ask for help when we need it most. Relying on others for help is not a bad thing sometimes. Being patient on making big decisions is necessary to make sure you are being wise instead of foolish. Learning to be relational and handle things well when they are not getting done as fast as you want them to or the way you want them to is a valuable lesson. There are so many things in my own life where I look back at and am thankful that I did not get what I wanted, but got what I needed instead. I love the story in the Bible when the apostles are walking by the crippled man. The guy is laying there begging for money. Peter’s response was not, here you go, here’s some money. He looked at the guy and told him that he didn’t have that, but instead through the power of Jesus, he healed him and he walked. Do you think this guy was like wow..I am so mad. I really just wanted some money? Not so much! He leaped. He was over joyed. He got something better. So today, when things do not go the way we want or plan, remember God’s plan is bigger and better. Praying that we all get what we need today and not what we want.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 16:22:54 +0000

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