Sometimes when attacks come through people that the devil use. You - TopicsExpress


Sometimes when attacks come through people that the devil use. You know that its just the devil trying to bring you down. The bible says be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walks about seeking whom he may devour. The devil dont even love the stupid people or the ignorant of the truth of the word of God people or the innocent people that are too young or just dont know enough about the word of God. Some are equipped to avoid the trickery and the deception of the devil. So anyway, I started singing a song that I made up tonight just worshipping The Lord after I anointed my head with anointing oil. I even rubbed some on my chest because I didnt get my antibiotics for 3 days, no actually four days now. I know the devil is trying to kill me that is nothing new. The devil has been trying to kill me since I was a little girl. So has he been trying to kill other believers. The people he got he killing them anyway on very very very dumb and stupid stuff, because one must remember The Devil Dont Love You! If someone think the devil love them they are clearly being deceived. God is Love! John 10:10 the thief cometh not but to steal and to kill send destroy, I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly. So anyway I know the bible front and back and the word of God is powerful, true and holy. So I began to sing praises to God even though I am hoarse and chest hurt and coughing and wheezing. So its ok the devil is always a loser thats why its already determined he is gong to eternal lake of fire forever and ever and ever, no better for him. So I will share some of the praise and worship song lyrics because it may encourage someone else. I began to sing about how God has given Jesus the name that it above every name not only in this world but in the world (eternal life for those who are and will be saved). Then I began to sing that Jesus said in the bible that if these dont praise me the rocks will cry out and praise me. Jesus is worthy to be praised. Then I began to song that nobody else died to set me and us free but Jesus. This is magnifying The Lord because he above any lie, any problem, any negative situation, any witch crafter, any prep, any mutter any devil worshipped, any back biter, any hater, any one that wish bad on his people, any false prophet, any whore, any liar, any one that lurk around and plot against the innocent, any murderer any mockery, any drunkard, any fornicator, any violent person thats wicked, any user, any free loader, any jealous person, any reckless person, and false accuser, any one and anything thats ever been created. God is the creator! So I sang to God how much I love God so very much and that Jesus is the only way. There is no other Saviour and no other way to God but through Jesus. Salvation is not any any other and there is no other name but Jesus that saves souls. I sang and preached myself so happy. I hate I mentioned, not on Facebook, but in general that I needed a nebulizer and antibiotic because every scam and like and mockery has tried to stand in the way of me getting what I need to heal and get better hopefully. I know someone may think out of their jealousy that Im not worth a $99 dollar nebulizer and $17 medicine to go in it and the $15 dollar antibiotic. Nobody has to pay me anything they owe me even to my medicine or even help me if I have been taken advantage of and suffer because of it. Come up with all kind of bogus excuses and want to watch me die constantly jealous of me and wishing bad on me. The bible says let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil. Dont have to walk around and check to see if I am dead yet, no I am still alive by the grace of God. I could work against Dr orders and have the best of everything, but when you try to help people sometimes they turn against you, rise up wrongfully against you and cause many problems instead of valuing you and appreciating you. By the grace of God I am still breathing. Thank you Jesus! I am worth more than less than $200 dollars. Thats not a lot of money at all to me. I am royalty, the bible says seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. I never been a beggar, my God will never leave me nor forsake me. If I were a beggar or a bum I would be licking out the same dog bowl at Jezebel table that the beggars and true bums lick out of. People want to reduce others down and play on their situations because they are cruel ruthless and dont have God love in their heart. It is ok! I can see clearly now rain is gone. God word says he will bless those that bless thee and curse those that curse thee. I also sang and told God that I am blessed because I am loved by God. I put the prices on my medicine on here to show how devalued others want my life to appear to be reduced to. No I am still happy in The Lord. I often feel like I have the smile of resilience thats what I call my smile because no matter what I smile or God when I am sad he always sends even the people that I least sometime expect, even the kindness of strangers to cause me to smile! Isnt God awesome! The bible says forget not to entertain strangers because you may be entertaining angels unaware. The bible says take heed that you do not despise one of my little ones that believe in me because I say unto you in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father in heaven. The bible sayshe that trouble you shall bear his judgement whosoever he be. I have freely given others generously and then some one one will say oh but if I give you you owe me back. Isnt that selfish! Some will do a little something something and give you $5 in a years time and say they took care of you while you were sick. But you owe that $5 back too, but they will never tell others how they badger and belittle you everyday about their measles $5 funky petty dollars when you Freely and lovingly made sure to help them at no charge just out of the love and kindness of their heart. No I m good Im real good! I would never put funky paper money over the value you of a human being life and I would never ever do that especially to someone that has only been nothing but nice to me. Thats ruthless! I love myself because the Holy Ghost live in me. I have integrity. Now they can run and tell that, put that in their pipe and smoke it and get off on that, Those that pervert the truth and the right ways of the gospel. God is love! Oh and yes the whores and bums and filthy cotton mouth snake hater liars need to know this. Yes to the whores I am still breathing speaking and teaching the word of God. What they doing sucking their men STD dicks and having the audacity to rise up and say something with they filthy mouth about me. No to the whores that hate me. Whores I m still breathing! Oh and whore is in the bible and God will judge the whores before someone say she said whore and she pose to be a Christian and it is suppose big hooked on phonics. Maybe I should have typed penis instead of dick but I dont do those without a husband, so I dont know what they call it. Thats why they dont have no self respect.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 08:56:48 +0000

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