Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you, I say - TopicsExpress


Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you, I say it all the time and it is pretty much true, This afternoon on a short training ride I found a tire that I had lost a couple days back. I was going to ride by the house toss it in the yard then finish the ride. I made it to the house just fine but when I toseed it in the yard I got too close to the curb and me and the bike landed in a pile of yard debri. I got scraped up a little the bike was easily put back in service so I finished the ride. Altogether about 6 miles mostly going up that hill down by the Tennis Courts. When I came in the house with blood all over me I thought Ruth might faint and the kids all got a great laugh out of it too. Still a little seeping from from spots on my arm and a little road rash, but nothing to worry about. Bear was just lucky. I will prevail and race Thursday in the Golden Olympics. Guess that will teach me to actually stop the bike instead of trying to throw the tire while I was till moving. Ruth keeps telling the kids I fell of the bike, but technically the bike feall while I was still on it. My left shoe was actually still clipped in but my foot came out of it. Probbaly be a little sore in the morning. That is just how things go sometime. Have a great day
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 20:38:09 +0000

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