Sometimes you have these moments in your life where you look - TopicsExpress


Sometimes you have these moments in your life where you look around and think is this really my life? A couple of days ago I had that moment. Strangely enough I was simply plugging in a side table lamp in our spare bedroom and it hit me. I cannot believe how blessed I am. In my personal life I have fought, struggled, suffered, cried, been kicked when I was down, and dealt with a lot more than a person should ever have to deal with at my age. And now here I am. I have a beautiful home that I could not have ever imagined living in. I have a loving and supportive family. My two dogs are so special to me and like my children. But most of all I have the best man in the world. We have gone through so much in our 8 years together. We have done and seen it all. He is my greatest blessing. Words cannot describe how happy I am right now in life. Many times I have asked God why me? in the bad times and I also find myself asking God why me? during these beautiful times. I am here to say there is sun after the rain. :)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:34:49 +0000

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