Sometimes you just dont sleep and over think about how terrible - TopicsExpress


Sometimes you just dont sleep and over think about how terrible life has punished you. U just cant understand some things, but you know it all has a meaning to it. At this point sometimes I just dont know why me or why my husband its been so long you just dont know when the storm is going to end. When the pain is going to heal. Before anyone judges us. Let me just tell you to put ur feet in my shoes . Its not easy getting up every morning to a lonely silent home. Your baby isnt crying for his bottle, and your daughter is no longer asking for pancakes in the morning. All you can do is hope that theyre okay, and hope that when this ends theyll forget about it like it never happened. Try going to bed without knowing anything about ur kids... its a torture, its something you dont wish to anyone. Its hard enough that we dont have them, so its even harder trying to balance your marriage life without the little ones who brought you together in the first place. About 80% of couples split up due to very big problems like ours. Instead of turning to eachother for support they turn back to back. So before judging us please view around us why we try to distract ourselfs. What needs to be done is getting done, believe us that its hard being 5months away from our own kids. We missed out on every special moment that our eyes couldve seen. My sons first tooth first steps to crawl, first walking steps, first word, my daughter on the other hand we missed every little special moment like first day of schools, we cant even share feelings to know how her day went. Every bonding moment was taken from us. I hope this ends with a happy ending I have my faith that God will make justice for us. Before anything im just going to focus on all the positive things that have been happening around us. A Better job with a well pay for my husband, I went back to school to further my education, and soon we will be moving to our own place. And all thanks to God. Please keep us in ur prayers for when our next court comes our kids will be back home with us. & thank you to all the prayers my son passed all his examinations he is so healthy and hes very smart. ,,,,Thank you...
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 08:42:00 +0000

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