Sometimes you look around and wonder why in the world you are even - TopicsExpress


Sometimes you look around and wonder why in the world you are even trying. The whole world seems to have gone completely crazy. We are surrounded by Godless and lawless human beings who care nothing about their fellow man. You get really tired of fighting because you feel that it does no good at all. Sometimes you feel all is lost and you just want to forget it all and get lost in the few simple joys that you have left in life. I understand feeling that way but I want you to know that even when no one else does, I appreciate you. I thank God for you often. Without people like you I would have never awaken from my slumber and I am not alone. I, like many others, am indebted to you. Standing for the truth is a thankless existence. It is a life full of adversity and it is easy to think about throwing in the towel. Let me remind you that you dont do the right thing because of how I, or others, may react. You do it because you know that there is a great reward that awaits all those who do not fall for the temptation to quit. So when it seems that all is lost and no one cares just remember that you are appreciated. I dont always say it and hey Im human so... I dont always think it either. But there are a lot of us, and... I want you to know that we are very blessed and very proud to know you. We may all fail you from time to time but there are many of us who are doing our best and I want to tell you that we love you and simply cant do it without you. You inspire us. We are all hoping that we can just be more like you. Because we know that if we can be more like you that we will somehow inspire others as well. And if that happens then there is nothing that can stop the real change and hope that are coming. You are one of my reasons for waking up each day and I hope you never change. Because we need more like you and we are slowly, but surely, finding them one at a time. So thanks for being you and please understand that you are making a difference. Without you I might have quit a long time ago but I continue to follow your example. God Bless You my friend. When He made you He clearly broke the mold.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 03:24:39 +0000

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