Somewhere in her heart, she knew this was wrong. But she did it - TopicsExpress


Somewhere in her heart, she knew this was wrong. But she did it all the same- for his sake- for the sake of the person who meant the world to her. Her heart beat furiously, the blood in her veins raced and two teardrops appeared on her sweaty cheeks as she surrendered herself completely to his love. Never leave me, please, was the only thing she told him. Never. I promise, he spoke with intense passion and love. He dumped her the very same day over a few text messages, leaving her with her broken dreams and unanswered questions. A month later, she overheard him telling his friends proudly about how he had banged his chick nineteen times. She has been dead since then. Now she rests peacefully inside her coffin, indifferent to the loves touch. Her smile plastic, her heart numb and the blood in her veins frozen.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:59:03 +0000

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