Song of the day (or month? its been a while). Psychedelic, - TopicsExpress


Song of the day (or month? its been a while). Psychedelic, too. Believe it or not, I heard this tune a lot on our local underground AM station, one of a handful in the country. Lots of pics in the slide-show, and I recall over half of them. I lived in these turbulent times. Sadly, it seems that our progressives, including the progressive in the WH, wish to return to their glory days of mayhem, destruction, and riots in the streets in the name of the Revolution as we witnessed in the 60s and early seventies. Never forget, these self-proclaimed revolutionaries are Marxists who intend to control your life, and if you dont agree to submit to their will, be prepared to be executed if you fall into their sights. A communist, anti-Semite Sandinista supporter is now the mayor of NYC, and de Blasio is not the exception, he is the rule in the progressive elite in America today. This is not a game. Check out F.A. Hayeks The Road to Serfdom Ill link my cartoon version next. It is really sad that Ferguson, MO has seemed to have White House approval to become the next Watts.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 08:25:02 +0000

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