Song sums it up beautifully. I shall do as JK Rowling did with her - TopicsExpress


Song sums it up beautifully. I shall do as JK Rowling did with her request and wish list for a man that she would be interested in after she was alone for years and, after being asked by her best friend. Ill do it here for the snoopy - Im not interested in dating sites at all. Im not in a rush, either. I aint afraid to love a man and I sure the hell aint afraid to leave one - regardless of the consequences. So, Ill let the Universe take care of this one for me: I want one good man. Honest. Brave. None gold digging, as Ive had enough of those nasty bay-stards. You know the type: the ones who walk in with virtually nothing or much lower than you have, but have this sense of entitlement to try to leave you high and dry thinking it will destroy you, as it would them which is telling? Takers with dollar signs in their eyes happens to certain types of ambitious women too. My dream man MUST actually sign a legal agreement protecting assets - dont much care what he does for living, short of crime, nor his bank account but no drinkers and losers, please. MUST be good looking - superficial, perhaps, but as I say even with my gorgeous riding horse as I am accused of picking the best - I refuse to ride anything ugly... in any sense - havent in three years, wont be doing so anytime soon. Inappropriate comment here? Looks like I give a flock - very freeing! Rolling your eyes? Bite me. He must have a Sense of Humor. True Blue got your back type. Loyal. Eye contact is a serious must, one on one conversation - without it, hes not even an option: the eyes say it all. And, besides, its about time I actually had real life conversation with the potential for physical contact - damn, not being ignored but held captive... Theres a thought... Fifteen years of darkness Ive had - about time the Universe sent me one good man. Sick of Takers - happens to individuals who are generaous and when money isnt their primary focus but the other partys is. :) With that last statement made heres the enigma: Yes, why yes, I am now all about making the $$$ my focus - AGAIN. Success is the best revenge and I love challenging myself. I can build my own empire as has been proven, but this time, it is MY empire free and clear of succubuses, thank you very much. My perspective TOTALLY, and I believe in Love as my actions have more than proven: If you love me, sign the flocking document protecting each others assets from the other. Now, to me, that is true love.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 21:39:56 +0000

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