Sonia Gandhi - Holy only in Indian media, not so abroad? : - TopicsExpress


Sonia Gandhi - Holy only in Indian media, not so abroad? : IBTL A neutral observer of Indian media could soon catch up the partisan attitude that our media takes while extending the holy cow treatment to the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. Despite an appeal at the Supreme Court and question having been raised in Rajya Sabha on Rajiv Gandhis Swiss account, Indian media is tight-lipped on the issue. Of course, its the same media that made a storm of corruption cases of other political leaders across party lines, but when its about the top family, media is muted. Certain BJP supporters even complain the mainstream media to have become Congress mouthpiece which is substantiated by the differential treatment meted out to Yeddyurappa of BJP and other former CMs of Karnataka, while their offence was the same. But, lets not accuse our not-so-sacred journalist fraternity of being partisan between parties, however, the silence of Indian media on issues relating to Sonia Gandhi is in contrast to how the foreign media reacted to it, and quite early. The Huffington post, a leading US daily, published an analysis of corruption charges against Sonia Gandhi as early as in April 2011. It titled its piece as Worlds #9 Most Powerful Person Now Accused of Corruption -- Will She Fall? The analysis raises interesting points, which our media is too shy to raise, even now, when theres a public upsurge against corruption, for reasons, best known to it. Excerpts from the article are given below, for our readers. Sonia Gandhi has one of the most remarkable life stories in international politics. Born Edvige Antonia Albina Maino into a family of modest means in rural Italy, she didnt even get a chance to complete high school before heading to the UK for work. There she met Rajiv Gandhi, son of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. She eventually married him and the young family moved in to Indira Gandhis New Delhis home, putting her literally in the heart of Indian politics. However there have been growing, persistent murmurs about questionable business deals and inexplicable exponential jumps in the personal wealth of her and her family. In 1995 when M. D. Nalapat, then Resident Editor (Delhi) of the worlds largest English language newspaper, the Times of India, began a groundbreaking series of articles about Sonia. The series said that her desire for power wasnt simply altruistic and that the wealth not only of her, but of her Italian relatives, rose stratospherically after Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister in 1984. While the facts in the article were never refuted, Nalapat was forced out of journalism in 1998. Part of the genius of Sonia Gandhi is her ability to present herself as a helpless victim, convincing even her political rivals not to fear her as she is fatally flawed. In 1998, India was being led by BJP Prime Minister Vajpayee. When Nalapat spoke with him about Sonia, he was bluntly told to lay off, as, so long as a white Christian lady is head of the Congress Party, I [Vajpayee] and my party will always be in power. Vajpayee and his party lost power to Sonias Congress in 2004. Read the full article on Huffington post here - Worlds #9 Most Powerful Person Now Accused of Corruption -- Will She Fall? Like It Or Not, The Likes Of Congress, Its Allies, Its Puppets, Its Paid/Blackmailed Media, Anarchist Arvind Kejriwal N Party... Will Always Play... Anti National... Anti People... Anti Hindu Politics... Now Is The Time To Speak Up, To Express Ourselves... Vote For Change... Lets Say With One Voice... Isliye Modi... One Dream... One Vision... One Nation... Choose Wisely... Vote For MODI As PM... Sab Ka Saath... Sab Ka Vikas... Development For All... Appeasement To Non...
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:07:15 +0000

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