Sonny Rant, just sayin what you’re thinking; Help someone wake - TopicsExpress


Sonny Rant, just sayin what you’re thinking; Help someone wake me up from this bad dream, or should I say this nightmare! When I woke, the clock was going the wrong way, rain was rising back up into the sky, people were barking while dogs had a conversation, I turned on the oven and it got cold. Sometimes this is what I feel like; everything is backward or in reverse. Since when can’t two 300 pound NFL linemen call each other the “N” word, but some little half pint, half cooked comedian that’s blacker than bituminous coal stands on stage and says it repeatedly? Since when can’t a religious photographer decline to take photos at a gay weeding because it violated her religious beliefs? Since when can the President of the United States of American stand in front of MILLIONS of people and lie to then, not even trying to cover up the lie, just flat out lie to them. And the main stream media sit back and not report it? Since when can you go to a store and buy pot over the counter, what next a drive thru crack stand? Is it the government’s goal to kept people stoned and stupid so their more dependent on the government? I don’t know you decide! All these things started happening under the current administration. Bigger government, more dependent citizens, higher taxes on those that work for a living. When will it stop, when people like me are silenced? When people like me are taken away to camps? When people like me don’t have the freedoms to write posts like the one you’re reading? Where does it end?
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 23:24:36 +0000

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