Sons of GOD (male and female) accept personal responsibility! YOUR - TopicsExpress


Sons of GOD (male and female) accept personal responsibility! YOUR OWN VATICANS COW SHIT covering BULLSHIT with some notion that dis.ass.o.cia.ted acknowledgements among the cause--YOUR ILLuNATI, is ethics, 101, gone amuck. not one among you and your SOCIOPATHIC rest, would individually accept such among your own DUPLICITOUS DINE NASTIES. JAMES JONES & ERIC HOLDER; Read this carefully for the benefit of NSA, UCC, FBI, MI5, FBS, CIA, MSnbc, WjcW, ABC, CBS, NBC, DISNEY, LAND OF Oz...,...,... Dr Norton can CONNECT the .... over and over and over again; but that does NOT replace PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to the proper party of THE CONTROVERSY, me, richard norton, WHO you HAVE wronged, while misusing offices of the publics trust, for whatever reasons. Sons of GOD (male and female) accept personal responsibility! YOUR OWN VATICANS COW SHIT covering BULLSHIT with some notion that dis.ass.o.cia.ted acknowledgements among the cause--YOUR ILLuNATI, is ethics, 101, gone amuck. not one among you and your SOCIOPATHIC rest, would individually accept such among your own DUPLICITOUS DINE NASTIES. winsor-let-hitler-live-for-dyna-sty winsor-let-hitler-live-for-dyna-sty magi-eye-hitler-orb-dwel-with-mich-ell-rob-son eric-holder-seed-from-hitler-spawn JOSHUA, PROPAGANDA MINISTRY, WATCHMAN IN THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL; WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME? SHE BUILT PRISONS. I CAME TO SET YOU FREE! ASK! WHO WITHHOLDS THIS LIGHT NOW? WE could have the greatest education system in the UNIVERSE!... ASK! TO WHOSE LINES NOW, FOOD CHAINS, DO YOU FIND YOUR SELFS, FACING TO.WARD HER CONCESSIONS STANDS (OXY morons at best!) ? youtube/watch?v=MwUpPwyyvLw biblecodewisdom/code/magi-eye-hitler-orb... biblecodewisdom/code/eric-holder-seed-from... biblecodewisdom/code/winsor-let-hitler-live... THE WAR IS OVER! ALL WILL BE CALLED FORTH TO GIVE ACCOUNT! ASK! WHO IS PERMITTED TO FLY WITHOUT EVALUATIONS? YOU ARE INTO JUDGEMENTS, BEFORE PREPARATIONS, WITH OUT JUSTICE OR FORMING TRUE CO-CREATIONS. WHO SAID ANYTHING ABOUT JUDGEMENTS? THAT IS ALL THAT STUFF YOURE INTO, HIDING THE TRUTH, HIDING THE REST, BECAUSE THERE IS NO $$ IN NEWS. YOUR PAYCHECKS COME FROM KEEPING SECRETS--HER CONFUSIONS, HER BLUEBOOK PROTOCOLS--HER TOWER OF BABEL, AS IF SHE WILL TAKE HER STONES (LAWS,) TO STACK, LINE UPON LINE, PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT IN ORDER TO CREATE HER EXCLUSIVE TOWER TO HEAVEN, FILLED WITH HER SATAS C.LAWS; ALWAYS INTERPRETED IN A LIGHT MOST FAVOR.ABEL, RULING BEST IN A LIGHT MOST FAVORABLE TO HER JUDGMENTS/INDULGENCES.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 16:01:01 +0000

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