Soon afterwards, the “PG” strongly emphasized that HIV had - TopicsExpress


Soon afterwards, the “PG” strongly emphasized that HIV had never been properly isolated. During the international, large debate held at the European Parliament, in 2003, I further stressed the problems encountered in isolating HIV. But stressing the difficulty to isolate a virus remains short of stating that this virus does not exist, and is, consequently, not enough to stop all research on this virus. As already emphasized, the appalling waste of HIV research funds must stop, and these enormous research funds should, most urgently, be re-affected towards completely different, non-retroviral aims. This will happen only if the worldwide scientific establishment courageously faces the fact that HIV does not exist. The fact that HIV does not exist is actually not be so surprising for all those who realize that, after almost 30 years of research, based most exclusively on a non-scientifically verified HIV hypothesis, 1) not one single AIDS patient has ever been definitely cured by ARVs, 2) apocalyptic epidemiological predictions never materialized, and 3) not one single efficient vaccine has ever been developed… Obviously, we were, for 30 years on the wrong track! ERRARE HUMANUM EST, SED DIABOLICUM PERSEVERARE, i.e. Error is human, but it is devilish to persevere! Conclusively: -we all carry, in our chromosomes, defective endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) that have interfered, most presumably, as misleading, confounding factors in AIDS research; -“HIV” is not an endogenous retrovirus; -“HIV”, as an exogenous, AIDS causing retrovirus simply does not exist, and this fact should be recognized as soon as possible for a complete, radical re-distribution of AIDS research funds, worldwide. [Note: Relevant materials are linked here, here and here.] Etienne de Harven, M.D. Prof. Emeritus (Pathology) from the University of Toronto, Past President of Rethinking Aids (2005-2008) Share this: Filed Under: Archive, Investigations About Celia Farber Celia Farber is a journalist, author, and editor based in New York City, who grew up in Sweden and New York City. Farber has written on a variety of subjects for SPIN, Rolling Stone, Esquire, Harper’s, Salon, New York Press, and many more. In 2008, Celia Farber won the Semmelweis International Society’s Clean Hands Award For Investigative Journalism. Comments Dr. Alessio Pisani says: June 21, 2013 at 4:16 am Celia, I promised you and the readers a few lines on PCR. Thanks for allowing me to do this. ABOUT PCR…. The “Hiv” genes amplified with the PCR are GAG, POL and ENV. These genes share extensive sequence homologies (in fact they encode the same proteins which have the same function such as POL, encoding the polymerase or reverse transcriptase) and since the PCR amplifies only a portion of the gene, the probability of a non-specific amplification is so high to be recognized even from a legal standpoint. For this reason, the PCR cannot be used for diagnosis. In detail, the PCR amplifies usually the opening reading frames that are highly conserved, that is common to genes of different species or strains. Finally, depending on the manufacturer, the stringency conditions, that is, the specificity, vary greatly. GAG, POL and ENV genes are common to all retroviruses which means that the PCR can amplify any gene of any retrovirus, pathogenic or not, whose RNA can be extracted from the blood of the subject examined in a given time. For this reason, the PCR (the so-called viremia) is not among the criteria for the diagnosis of HIV infection because it is very little specific. If it is not specific to the point that it cannot be used for diagnosis, how can it be to prove that HIV exists? An Italian research group has recently demonstrated and published in the prestigious journal Blood that will be can be exposed to HIV many times and stay (or return) seronegative ( These researchers, using sophisticated molecular analyses have shown that there are individuals whose CD4 bear track (signature of miRNA) of the molecular encounter with HIV but remain (or return to be) seronegative. The keywords are at the beginning of the discussion: “In this study, we have shown that exists a miRNA signature that discriminate infected from exposed uninfected subjects”. That is, there are people with multiple exposures that have met unequivocally the virus (miRNA signature), defined as “exposed” but who remain (or return to be) seronegative, and according to them, “uninfected”. This is the molecular demonstration of the words of Prof. Montagnier “HIV can meet as many times as you want and your immune system will release it in a few weeks, if you have a good immune system.” This means that before comes immunodeficiency and then the productive infection of HIV and its possible chronicity. This work clearly demonstrates that the antibody tests are not able to detect HIV infection because you can have encountered the virus (as demonstrated by the molecular signature), but be seronegative. If you enter into the details, of course the study shows that exposure had occurred a long time before, so it is not that they still have to become HIV + or will become it a little bit later. This is clearly written in the discussion If we want to interpret these findings from the standpoint of “orthodoxy”, it means that the antibody tests underestimate the true exposure and consequently the spreading of the virus. The virus is then present and circulates in many HIV-negative people, but since they obviously do not get sick from AIDS, this is the best proof that HIV does not cause AIDS alone, and in some (many or few, we do not know) cases individuals get rid of it so rapidly that they cannot even become infected with HIV. Which in turn means that the “HIV seropositivity” is not only caused by HIV, but from other causes. In short, this amazing article proves that: 1. Individual can be exposed to HIV and/or its specific proteins and remain HIV-negative. This in turn demonstrates the famous words of Prof. Montagnier. 2. HIV-exposed individuals who do not become HIV-positive will never develop AIDS by definition. This demonstrates that HIV exposure by itself is not sufficient to cause AIDS. 3. Antibody tests (Elisa or Western blot) are therefore inadequate to detect HIV exposure since the Authors demonstrate that there are individuals who bear molecular signature of multiple exposures to HIV but remain HIV-negative at the antibody tests. 4. Therefore, HIV-positivity is not due to HIV exposure alone; evidently factors other than HIV exposure determine HIV positivity. 5. Vaccines are doomed to be ineffective because of these findings; this is clearly written at the end of the discussion section with a slightly more diplomatic language. Even more concisely. According to these new molecular evidences: HIV alone cannot cause AIDS. HIV alone cannot cause HIV-positivity. Antibody tests do not detect HIV exposure. Factors other than HIV cause HIV-positivity. Vaccines cannot be effective. Sincerely yours, Dr. Alessio Pisani. Reply Richard Karpinski says: June 20, 2013 at 9:52 pm The interview is illuminating. Too bad it remains unlikely to be read, understood, and acted upon by anyone with the capability of changing how the NIH and FDA deal with the actual lack of scientific support for the HIV/AIDS theory. Reply Speak Your Mind Name Email Website Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. EDITOR – CELIA FARBER Celia Farber I am a journalist, author, and editor based in New York City, who grew up in Sweden and New York. I will soon re-publish some more of my previous articles in this new blog. ADVERTISEMENT HIV Innocence Group SUBSCRIBE BY MAIL Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts. Join 85 other subscribers RECENT ARTICLES Can Electron Microscopy Resolve The HIV Battle? 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Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 11:47:38 +0000

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