Soon it will be 50 years since they killed the last man that sat - TopicsExpress


Soon it will be 50 years since they killed the last man that sat in the Oval Office who had the love, admiration and trust of most Americans. A true American war hero, a true intellectual once sat in that office. Heres whats PUBLICALY written about President Kennedy regarding his time at Harvard and in the service ... (something that is NOTICEABLY missing from the PUBLIC record of the present denizen of the Oval Office): As an upperclassman at Harvard, Kennedy became a more serious student and developed an interest in political philosophy. In his junior year he made the Deans List. In 1940 Kennedy completed his thesis, Appeasement in Munich, about British participation in the Munich Agreement. The thesis became a bestseller under the title Why England Slept. Later, he would write Profiles in Courage in 1957 (it won the Pulitzer Prize) ... it was a volume of short biographies describing acts of bravery and integrity by eight United States Senators throughout the Senates history. The book profiles senators who crossed party lines and/or defied the opinion of their constituents to do what they felt was right and suffered severe criticism and losses in popularity because of their actions. He graduated from Harvard College with a Bachelor of Science cum laude in international affairs in 1940. In early 1941, he helped his father write a memoir of his three years as an American ambassador. In September 1941, after medical disqualification by the Army for his chronic lower back problems, Kennedy joined the U.S. Navy. Kennedy was an ensign serving in the office of the Secretary of the Navy when the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred. He attended the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps and then voluntarily entered the Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Training Center in Melville, Rhode Island. Thereafter, he was assigned duty in Panama and later in the Pacific theater, where Kennedy earned the rank of lieutenant, commanding a patrol torpedo (PT) boat. With his fathers influence in government, he could have avoided combat, but chose NOT to. On August 2, 1943, Kennedys boat, PT-109, along with PT-162 and PT-169, were performing nighttime patrols near New Georgia in the Solomon Islands, when PT-109 was rammed by a Japanese destroyer. Kennedy gathered his surviving crew members together in the water around the wreckage, to vote on whether to fight or surrender. Kennedy stated, Theres nothing in the book about a situation like this. A lot of you men have families and some of you have children. What do you want to do? I have nothing to lose. Shunning surrender, the men swam towards a small island. Kennedy, despite re-injury to his back in the collision, towed a badly burned crewman through the water with a life jacket strap clenched between his teeth. He towed the wounded man to the island, and later to a second island, from where his crew was subsequently rescued. For these actions, Kennedy received the Navy and Marine Corps Medal with the following citation: For extremely heroic conduct as Commanding Officer of Motor Torpedo Boat 109 following the collision and sinking of that vessel in the Pacific War Theater on August 1–2, 1943. Unmindful of personal danger, Lieutenant (then Lieutenant, Junior Grade) Kennedy unhesitatingly braved the difficulties and hazards of darkness to direct rescue operations, swimming many hours to secure aid and food after he had succeeded in getting his crew ashore. His outstanding courage, endurance and leadership contributed to the saving of several lives and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. American society has been in a slow decline since that day in November of 1963 when his Presidency was cut short. 50 years of that decline has brought this country to its knees. If people want to fix our country just turn back the clock to 1960, find a man with Kennedys attributes to occupy the Oval Office ... and most of our problems as a society will evaporate. Its really THAT simple. Peace
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 15:24:17 +0000

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