Soon to be 4 years cancer free! Thank you Jesus! So I am a day - TopicsExpress


Soon to be 4 years cancer free! Thank you Jesus! So I am a day late at posting this but yesterday was 4 years ago I had my first chemo treatment. I will never forget that day and how terrified I was. It does not seem like 4 years ago I went through all of this but I am Happy to share that today I feel great. You see, 2 years ago I was introduced to Visalus and it has changed my life and my families life. I know for a fact that Visalus has helped me replenish my body with all of the nutrition I needed after going through chemo and I know that The Challenge can change your life to. Dont ever give up hope for yourself and just keep pushing forward. I am thankful I did as I am a healthy mom of 4 amazing boys who now know the value of nutrition! Thank you Visalus!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:52:12 +0000

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