Sooo SPOOKY!! Colby & I were watching tv in bed when we heard a - TopicsExpress


Sooo SPOOKY!! Colby & I were watching tv in bed when we heard a shrill cry on the boys monitor in their bedroom. Colby goes to their room- only to find the door about two-thirds of the way open. (!!!!) He goes to Jacks bed (bottom bunk) where Jack is covered in sweat!!Colby asks Jack, Whats wrong? Why are you crying? And Jackson replies (Get ready...I promise, I am not making this up folks!!!), Daddy I wasnt crying. It was someone like that girl over there. (At this point, Jack is pointing past Colby into the corner of his room by the bookshelf!)!!!!! Colby changes Jacks shirt and asks him if he is ok. Jack says yes...(he doesnt seem scared) and Colby tucks him back into bed. Jack is fast asleep again in a matter of minutes. Ummm...can you say CREEPY!!! I think Colby and I are freaked out more than Jack. But then again, last Thurs night after Jacks adenoids surgery, that night he woke up multiple times in a cold sweat and inconsolable only murmuring (still half-asleep), No, I dont want to play with her!! Also, Jack used to have nightmares awhile back of a little girl named Macy. One time he woke up in a cold sweat and said she wanted to play on the roof of the house, so they both climbed up and she ended up pushing Jack off the roof (but he said Macy later said she was sorry to him for doing that). Crazy creepy...right??!!! I am still freaked out. Jack is only 4 and my happy, sweet, and very loving child. Dont know what to make of all this!??
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 05:06:09 +0000

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