Sooo during SoyCon.... two thoughts came into mind... note: Im not - TopicsExpress


Sooo during SoyCon.... two thoughts came into mind... note: Im not really down talking about Soys event.. its just some feels that went thru... #1. the feel when youre with peeps that you used to talk to, used to hang out with, take photos of,etc.... but now, youre like... distance apart, or now rivals... that feeling sucks... felt kind of bother like that... I did have some interaction with the peeps whore still in my good side.. but as for those others... :| ... Hmmm.... I think who ever is there at the con space, and sure bring my con morale down for me... #2. is it wrong for me to say this, and I hope no one take offense to this. Is there a point of taking photos of the same cosplayer, in the same small limited space, at the same time in a photoshooting? I really personally didnt want to do that.. To me, if the photo is already good as is. Why do the cosplayer need a second photographer to get photos of the same cosplay, in the same small limited space. For the peeps who knows me, Im #1, still not a fan of asking cosplayers for photoshoots ONLESS its a costume that I REALLY REALLY jizz for *cough* Valkyria Chronicles *cough*. I still usually prefer the cosplayer to call me out. and #2. Im usually a candid photographer, I just like natural photos.... I hope no one took offence to that... *sigh* oh well, I got the 4th of July to re-cooperate from the slacking of photos during SoyCon..
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 03:46:24 +0000

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