it real? Thats for you to decide. It sucks I - TopicsExpress

   it real? Thats for you to decide. It sucks I cant really hold any of you accountable for looking into things more. I cant put an hour long documentary on here but who would make the time to watch it right? I need to peak your interest and hopefully these short videos can do dont need to expose yourself to an excessive amount of this information. Only enough to know that this kind of stuff is really happening out there in the cover of darkness. You may not believe in this but there are people out there that not only do believe, they practice it...and people die...babies die. So why do they do this? Is it just for show? Are they that disillusioned to think what they are doing gives power to anything? Or maybe...there really power in it...power to satan himself. Again this is for you to decide...I can try and lead you to truth but i cannot make you accept it. To me this game of life is much more complicated than I ever would have thought it could be...good and evil are real...and they are at war...we are at war! To those of us that believe things are not what they seem...we have a responsibility to do whatever we can to wake everyone we can ... See im completely convinced....something terribly wrong is going on in this world and whats more i believe it is coming to a head...i cannot unlearn what i have learned. I can ignore it...pretend that this has nothing to do with me but if i do then what would God think of me? Would He hold me accountable for not speaking up and speaking out? The bible says this in Ezekiel 33:6 - But if the watchman sees the enemy coming and doesnt sound his trumpet to war the people, he is responsible for their captivity. They will die in their sins, but I will hold the watchman responsible for their what choice do i really have? I have to blow my trumpet... because we are all in great danger. I dont want to believe in any this anymore than you do...but I had a choice to make. I obviously dont support the evil in this world and so I am commanded by God to expose would be selfish for me to know what I know and try and save only here I am...trying to convince you all that im not crazy. I hate it...but then I remember that the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men say nothing and do nothing...I just cant keep quiet anymore...I have to get this stuff off my conscience/spirit have stirred me to do so...
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 19:13:00 +0000

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