has come to my attention as of late that I seem to be - TopicsExpress

   has come to my attention as of late that I seem to be considered, (in some circles), as sarcastic. Please accept my apologizes to those who may have been offended by anything I might have said....however, upon closer examination of these accusations, I feel duty bound by that code of justice I live by to perhaps shed some light on the confusion. I blame it on my complete, utter, total lack of sensitivity and knowledge of the way things operate around me these days. Case in point...just the other day, (being the gentleman I am), I held open a door for a young lady and as she twaddled by she remarked "Thang-gue" in a nasal-like tone that made me think she had a small speech impediment or her nose job had not come out as well as expected. Now I have noticed this expression before and apparently it is an acknowledgement of gratitude, mainly it seems, voiced by people much younger than myself and in most cases female. Who knew! In my own ignorance, I had for weeks wondered why and what people meant when this phrase popped out of their mouths...( usually said with all the enthusiastic and heart felt tone one would have when speaking to a victim of leprosy who just sat down next to them on a bus). In truth I had wondered why so many people were saying "thang-gue" to just about everything. " Thang-gue for picking that up before I stepped in it"..."Thang-gue for being there for me", (whatever the heck that means as I would "totally" rather be somewhere else a majority of the time), "Thang-gue for just being you", (try being someone else...the IRS goes bullcrap over that!). I thought Thang-gue was an airbase in Vietnam that I was stationed at for a short time. (Perhaps it was a show of support for vets?) And, I have noticed also, that to emphasize just how "thang-ful" you are, if you add the phrase "sooo much", the meaning just about absolves the user from all faux pas till about the year 2047. This is part of the reason why, in absolute frustration, I may at times SEEM less than caring and perhaps a tad biting. I apologize Sooo much and thang-gue for listening.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 18:09:05 +0000

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