Sooo this is one sided so most of you out there just go about your - TopicsExpress


Sooo this is one sided so most of you out there just go about your fun and games cause this will not even be interesting or informational to you. This is about and only...ME! So everyone knows I am passionate about Cigars and Photography. Well this is not about Cigars or Photography at all. It is about my sanity, plain and simple, and how i keep it in check with a therapeutic tool I value so very much; Music There is not a lot of music I dont like. I dont care for RAP and some other Urban forms, but to each his or her own. I was not a huge country fan but, I am a huge fan of todays country. Does that make sense? There are some awesome performers and bands out there right now in the country category that are completely down with it in my book. But again, this is not about country music; it is about the music I use to change my moods, keep me sane, and make me realize, I am really not that important in the big picture I call my existence. Ever since I picked up my first guitar back in 1962, I fell in love with music and the ability to create music, and to let music take you places you had no idea you could visit or experience. Until I was 27, I used the love of playing the guitar in live performances. Those days are gone and I would never change not one minute of them; except for that one time in Tokyo in 1971, during a break between sets in this freaky nightclub, that I sat down in this folding metal chair, guitar still strapped on me and i reached around with my left had to steady the chair and my index finger got caught in the chair folding mechanism and my body weight was smashing more finger as i frantically tried to hop up and things went downhill very fast and when it was over I had removed my left index fingernail and blood was everywhere and my screams were as brightly colored as the blood. I dont know how I managed to finish the show, playing now with only three good fingers on my left hand, but I did and thats the only part of my music journey I wish I could go back and change. Back to why I am, writing this...I use music more and more to alter any onset of negative moods that seem to be occurring more and more as i get older. Its old age and as long as i dont lose my hearing totally, the music will be there for me to adjust what needs to be adjusted. I had an adjustment today...... Ive really had a crappy few weeks; not sure why, nor is it really important, it just is what it is. Today I saw a post on FB by Rolling Stone Magazine concerning my all time favorite guitar layer, David Gilmour, of Pink Floyd fame.... ((Here is where you non Pink Floyd fans, need to just say you weathered my words this far but enough is enough; our friendship is good but never will it be that yall later; dont get too wet outside, and dont let the door hit you on the way out....we will talk soon!!)) ...Pink Floyd had a lot to do with my intense love of playing guitar, and I probably have spent more hours listening to their music than many other groups. Dont get me wrong, good music is good music and I do love a lot out there. But their music has a soothing effect on the senses for me. Not only in the guitar licks, but in the composition and feelings it relates. Enough of the mushy stuff. But today Rolling Stone had a YouTube link to a concert David Gilmour did in 2006. He partnered with Keyboardists, Richard Wright, and for those brave enough to read this far, he was also one of the main players in Floyd. This particular video was on August 26th, 2006 when the tour wrapped up with a gig in Gdansk, Poland. With the exception of a brief performance at a Syd Barrett tribute show the next year, it was the last time that Gilmour and Wright played together before Wrights death. The loss of Richard Wright is still being felt in the music world. It was the final song of the night, I think and it was from Pink Floyds Album, Meddle, which came out in 1971, a time I was in the military and music kept me sane back then as well; the song is Echoes. I have used that song so many times to let my mind wander off in search for some needed cleansing but I have never really seen it performed but in bits and pieces before. It is a song with many different moods and swings to it. Many people will never really like it unless they understand the genius in the composition behind it. So I listened to it a while ago today. My innerself needed it badly. In fact, and I hesitate to even admit this, but I had tears rolling down my face at the end of it, Ive always been a firm believer that tears can be a way your heart lets out some far reaching pain you just cant seem to reach any other way. I dont know if it helped me completely but it did make things seem a bit more in focus. Seeing Richard Wright in that setting, knowing it was one of his final performances just brought out some more raw emotions. As I get older I need to listen more often, I do. This link is the youtube video. Do NOT go unless youre a fan of Gilmour and Wright and Pink Floyd. It will only make you scream for release and you may just go postal on someone or something, it IS almost 26 minutes long. And if yo brave to song, make sure you enjoy it the way it was yourself, or at the least, isolated away from everything so you can hear the moods, swings, and the magic it provides. Volume up wont hurt either. By the way if you choose to listen to it after being forewarned, I dont want to see youre crappy comments bashing my insane choice of music; just go away and do some damage that really matters!! Peace!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 21:43:22 +0000

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