Soooo. I dont think I have ever written more than 3 sentences on - TopicsExpress


Soooo. I dont think I have ever written more than 3 sentences on fb since I got it in college but I feel this is important and more people should know about it. 1.) As of yesterday, our planet has entered a photon belt that will be in affect for roughly the next 2,000- 2,100 years. It is a time where the planet becomes inundated with photons and it actually begins to speed up our vibrational frequency down to the molecular level. It will affect all living things on this planet and the planet itself for the planet is also a living thing. This is a great stepping stone for us as a species because this only happens twice every 26,000 years. 2.) If any of you have studied astrology it is extremely important because the same planetary alignments and energetic principals that make signing contracts bad during a Mercury retrograde or what makes a libra a libra are controlled by this same source field that will be manipulated during this period. Some may call it a mass awakening ending the Kali Uga or some may even call it an apocalypse but there are a few things that WILL be happening in our near future that will shake up life a little bit... a.) More photons!! This is great for the psyche and will help those who suffer from depression or lack of enough serotonin. b.) it will help the De-calcification of our pineal glands due to chemical manipulation (flouride etc.) 3.) On an energetic level.... this is where it gets really interesting.. what happens if you walk into a dark room with a candle?... it illuminates and you are able to see but there are still shadows and places for dark things to hide..well what is now happening is that the photons we will experience are like taking 26,000 mag lights and turning them all on.. No shadows can hide... I feel that over the next coming years we are going to experience so many revelations that it might change everything you thought to be your reality on its head which IS A GOOD THING!!! Just like jenga, you can only stack shit so high before it all topples over and you start again with a fresh view and the chance to make life everything you wanted it to be! Stay posi my friends.. more interesting things to come. :) Peace & Love, Greg
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 18:48:31 +0000

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