Sooooo.....I got my first, official, bright yellow, New York - TopicsExpress


Sooooo.....I got my first, official, bright yellow, New York library card!!! :) :) Yup, its real, Im a New Yorker! hehe All I have to do is get down with the accent. . Anyway, the bathroom was so funky. The door had a black, plastic grid over the doorknob with a key attached to it. Ok. So I did the obvious. I grabbed it, put it in the keyhole and turned. I hear: Im still iiiiiinnnnnn here. What? Shes locked inside?!? lol Confused I backed up. (It makes me laugh to think I was stunned for a second that a person was still iiiiiinnnnnn there. lol) . Then I waited and waited....and waited....and waited....What the heck is going on here? Is she doing her hair? Makeup? Drawing pictures? Painting a painting? . Then, a man comes down the steps and stands next to me. We exchange smiles. He then looks at the doorknob and says, Are you going to...? I think to myself, Going to what? I say, I think someone is inside. Him: But the key is *outside*. Me: Yeah, I dont get that. Him:Well the person is stupid the key needs to be taken inside. So we wait and wait some more...I wonder if she might have collapsed or something. Luckily, the guy knocks on the door. I doubt, he was checking to see if she was ok, but rather, if she would get the flip out. lol Hey, pressure makes us aggressive. I get it. :p . Anyway, she was still iiiiiinnnnnn there. . The one bathroom next to this had no key on the outside, evidently someone got it right. Keys must remain on the iiiiiinnnnnnside. . No change to the scenario. No one came out. Im leaning against the wall waiting for like damn forever, and the guy seemed a little stressed. lol So I lie and tell him, Im waiting for a phone call and that he can go ahead. He says, If everyone was as kind as you, the world would be a better place. I dont know, if his comment was really about me, because I basically let him one place ahead. Big deal. Lesson of the day: Pressure, though, starts putting things into perspective. lol A jump in that sort of line may mean life or embarrassment.... . So when the person leaves, he rushes in, and then a lady comes down from the other side of me. She was friendly. (Yes, New Yorkers are friendly. Most of the ones I meet are. Thats saying a lot when coming from a Californian.) . Anyway, she was nice....But, after discussing the bathroom situation and her knocking on both doors a couple times. I asked her if she was a librarian because of the way she was speaking and conducting herself. And she, tilts her head, looks at me from the corner of her eyes, grins this evil grin and sticks her tongue out the side of her mouth. Quite literally, reminded me of one of those horror movies, where the person finds out the one next her IS the one possessed. Or, the nun is the serial killer. :( I for some reason looked at her, then at her tongue, turned my head to look straight in front of me, and tried to stand motionless for a while. Dunno why. But, I can say, I was also thinking....Dude, Krishna, stop talking to strangers..... Stop talking to strangers.... Stop *&*%$ talking to strangers...Man, that was creepy. . So, when the door opens, I rush in like a fool, but its the one with key on the outside. Yeah, you guessed it; the one that has been occupied for the longest amount of time. And Oh My Goodness Gracious. You know why. I definitely know why. Anyway, so I make sure to take the key iiiiiinnnnnnside. And then *learn* there is NO locking mechanism on the iiiiiinnnnnnside. Wtf people. Why does everything have to be so complicated. The lock should have been on the iiiiiinnnnnnside. And the key in some flippin trashcan. Come on. Really? . So, Im also a germaphobe and hate touching doorknobs and stuff with my hands. i needed to test the door once to make sure no one got iiiiiinnnnnnside when *I* was iiiiiinnnnnnside. Two would be a crowd in that case, most definitely. I need toilet paper to open the door again. Im not touching that! Heck no! Juggling the stupid key grid, my purse and holding my breath. Good grief. Help. I went through all that hassle to check the door and then....decided to just look in the mirror, wash my hands, because I might have touched something but also knowing that the faucet would be the most dirtiest place in the bathroom....and then using more porous paper to protect me from the germs on the faucet push buttons. *breathe* I dont know why I do what I do, ok? Temporary insanity, maybe. But then, I just got the eff out! Insanity, surely. . Yay! Im well on my way. Helllllooooo New York! :p
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 05:32:23 +0000

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