Sooooo. I haven’t done an update in a long while. I am sorry. I - TopicsExpress


Sooooo. I haven’t done an update in a long while. I am sorry. I kept saying I will wait and see how this pans out, then I will update. Well maybe after this, then I will update. I have realized I do a lot of waiting……. So about 5 weeks ago Tucker did what was supposed to be his last physical therapy session. Yay, right?! So he went about a week or two and I noticed him walking funny. I mean funnier than usual. :) And he was starting to trip more. So I sent Erin, his physical therapist, a video. She said it could be a growth spurt type thing. Let’s watch and see what happens in a week or two. During this week or two is when Tucker got strep and made the possible sleep apnea flare up. He is doing a sleep apnea study on the 18th of June that will tell us if he does indeed have sleep apnea and if so what kind. Obstructive or Central. Or both. So we didn’t really do any videos or pay much attention to his walking while dealing with his strep and potential apnea. After his overnight sleep apnea study, we roll right into another hearing test on the 19th. I am hoping he will pass and finish this one and it is our last one!! Now that he is all better, I sent Erin a new video. It is getting worse. And the bumps on his head are increasing from his tripping. Poop. So Erin wanted to see him in person and see him walk with and without shoes to better see what he is doing to try and correct it. It’s like he waddles. And his left leg is bowing. And then he does some weird turning in of his left foot and kind of walks on the side of his left foot. Which then leads to him tripping and falling. Since Erin last saw him Friday we have gone and gotten an Xray of his hips. That came back Monday with no findings. But the pediatrician wanted him evaluated by a pediatric orthopedic. So we decided that we see so many other fabulous doctors at Duke we would go up there. So we went to Lenox Baker today. (Duke) I was not very impressed. The Dr said that his left leg is bowed more than usual for his age. And he does turn his left foot in some when walking. That his gait is off. And that his tibia may be twisted (this he should outgrow) (basically everything Erin said) and then told me to come back if he was still this way in a year. ….. Said that he looked good. …. A year? Did not tell me to stop PT. Did not tell me to resume it. I waited for a discharge sheet….. Nothing. No instruction. So we just left. He did no xrays. He did not see the xray that was done Friday. He did not seem to care that this is getting worse, not better. We are getting a second opinion. He is still behind on speech. He can say “dadadada” and occasionally I will get a quick “mammma, mammma” lol. Lots of grunting and laughing. He still has some other small delays also. Still hasn’t master the pincher grasp. So because he is too young for speech therapy and he has some other small delays he has gotten a new “Play therapist” This lady gets paid to come play with my son for an hour! How badass is that?! She is teaching him baby sign language for simple things, so he can communicate with me. (Yes Val I actually retained some of what you taught me long ago, you would be proud, :) And she will be working on his speech some. And just all things! Her name is Andrea! We like her. In the meantime, he is into everything. At full speed. He has two molars that have cut through. He eats everything in sight. And don’t try and sneak open the fridge with him awake, he comes running…. Wanting whatever you are about to try and eat. He loves to dance. And he loves music. And while I am sitting here typing this, he found his shadow. A video will follow. I think that is about it…. I will update more often so I don’t have to write a book next time.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 23:32:19 +0000

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