Sooooo heres my story that happened to me awhile ago.... I had - TopicsExpress


Sooooo heres my story that happened to me awhile ago.... I had just left the gym (after not going for a long time it was hard but I did it) and stopped to put gas at stripes on N. 10th in McAllen.... Every gas lane was full except one and in my head I said thank you God for your favor and I starting reversing into the gas lane and all of a sudden a pretty lady in a grey SUV speeds into my gas lane honking at me as Im getting down to put the gas...boy she went from a Beautiful woman to super ugly QUICK....I noticed to 2 small children in the backseat and then she rolled down her window and her face looked like a demon as she screamed at me you Fat Fuc#&! Pig I was here first and she continued to scream those words and then started throwing the bad finger!!!! At that instant I had a choice let her upset me for calling me fat pig over and over you see at the age of 30 I started struggling with my weight and I try every day to change that but I am NOT a fat pig nor am I massively obese ...yes I need to lose more weight and I will but how dare someone say that to someone... Im trying to lose weight and doing it for my health so I can be around for my boys and I thought I was done with the verbal abuse when I divorced my ex and stopped paying attention to haters cause that seems to be the only thing miserable evil people can say about I heard in my heart God tell me Bonnie have peace I have your back ALWAYS.... So I calmly decided not to let the Donna Texas come out of me Buahahahaha and said to the evil psychotic woman...maam that is not very nice and you are setting a horrible example for those two babies in the back and she started screaming more loud fu%# you marana pig bleep bleep bleep and her babies now were crying and she was revving her SUV and clapping and then she backed up and almost crashed into a car and hit her brakes so hard she banged her head on her seat then stuck her head out the window still cussing at me and laughing like a demon she tried to take off again and threw the bad finger and as she drove off she drove an inch away from crashing head on into a truck and this time banged her head on her steering wheel but she managed to stick her banged up head out the window again to cuss at me again and throw me the bad finger.....everyone at the gas station was in shock asking me if I was OK and that karma got her back for what she was saying and doing to me but I told them no it was not karma it was her own actions that opened the door for the devil to attack her and try to kill her in two different accidents but God was so merciful because of those two babies in the back of her SUV and protected her even though in the worlds eyes see didnt deserve it but God is so merciful and loves her too.... You see I didnt have to fight back and lose my peace because God Almighty fights my battles and God never loses....instead I prayed for her cause imagine if she acted like that in public in front of her babies how does she act in private..... Poor babies may God protect them and change that woman before her actions put her n harms way you see it doesnt matter if your skinny or overweight... what matters is your heart and if Jesus lives in it your one of the Greatest humans on the Earth.....and everyone who is overweight CAN change and lose it but a bully with an ugly mouth who makes fun of overweight people to hurt them has the devil in their hearts and are the ugliest people on the planet and Im not trying to scare you bullys but remember if the person your trying to hurt has God in their heart you BETTER get on your knees quick and ask for forgiveness because God Almighty does not take kindly to HIS people being hurt!!!!! By the way I should of video taped her.... Chiwawas....that would have been some video!!!!!! Buahahahaha ;) by the way I did ask God to forgive me when she banged her head the second time because I laughed a little and thought this chic is
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 03:37:11 +0000

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