Soooooo Given the amount of craziness I forgot comes with having a - TopicsExpress


Soooooo Given the amount of craziness I forgot comes with having a pregnant Maria Zapata girlfriend and then remembering how to deal with it... I figured I would give some guidelines that I have learned and possibly could save the life of future dads to be!!! What I’ve learned about how to deal with Pregnancy Hormones, the survival guide. Pregnant women know they’re acting crazy. Thus, we shouldn’t make them feel crazier than they already do. It’s a touchy thing but as much as these hormones drive us bananas, we sort of have to remember that it’s driving them insane too. So it’s our job to be quiet, say everything will be okay, or just simply be there, depending on what the situation calls for. In stark contrast, pregnant women sometimes don’t even realize they’re acting crazy at all. In these times, we also need to let them know when the meanness is too much. I know this advice is entirely contradictory to point #1, but heck, it’s a fine line and if you don’t have the intuition to figure out which way to react, well, sorry to say but you’re going to have a heck of a time when that baby is crying and you’re trying to figure out what exactly it wants. If she says she’s hungry, feed her right away. Trust me, she was probably hungry way before she told you. In keeping with this food theme, the best way to be forgiven is through the perfect meal. Sometimes, that could mean a cheesy plate of queso, some enchiladas, tacos, and more. Other times, it could be as simple as a glass of milk and some chocolate chip cookies. Nothing, and I mean n-o-t-h-i-n-g will soothe a pregnant woman more than a content stomach. Even if you have food, don’t ever expect an apology from a pregnant woman. Don’t bother asking for one either. Doing so will just lead to a litany of other issues you never even knew existed (Inner Demon Unleashed). Just support her through the craziness and cravings. You may be going through a rough time but you don’t know exactly what it’s like to be in her shoes. Trust me on this one as well…My girl was explaing to me what her insides felt like WOW… Guys, that was enough for me to acknowledge this point and leave it at that. So there you have it. I wish I had more but that’s all I have for now. I’ll let you know if I learn anything else to add to our survival guide. GOTTA GO SHE IS TIRED AND CANT SEEM TO GET CUMFY UNLESS SHE MAKES ME UNCUMFY #DADLIFE #THESTRUGGLE #PRAYFORME
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 14:29:43 +0000

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