Soooooo....I have been doing construction work in one form or - TopicsExpress


Soooooo....I have been doing construction work in one form or another the majority of my life. Have run around on 6 inch beams many stories in the air, walked many a steep roof and climbed crazy ladders...sure I have taken some spills but never one I would consider serious....until today. Coming off of pressure washing a roof, stepped onto the ladder, the feet of the ladder slipped and started to slide on the wet bricks. I had no choice but to ride it to the ground. As I tried to catch the gutter my left foot slipped off of the ladder rung and went through the step leaving me falling backwards as the ladder went down. Trying to protect my head I did a crunch but when everything finally hit the ground, I landed with my leg and foot pinned under the ladder and my body, back first, landing lengthwise down the ladder. Couldnt get up cause my body was pinning my leg to the ground under the ladder. Head was spinning and couldnt focus my eyes. If it wasnt for the two guys who saw it happen and came to help I might still be of the guys said Never seen a fall like that, just knew you were dead Now, I am not relating this story for sympathy. I made a mistake I dont usually make when working on a roof, its all my fault, my guardian angel was looking out for me foot and leg are jacked up, Im very sore and maybe cracked some ribs.... BUT.... This is the season when people (some of you) get out their ladders...they clean gutters, hang lights, trim trees. Please be careful, have someone hold the ladder, peg the base, dont lean to far to one side or the other, I was lucky, you may not be!!! Total time for the whole event, from me stepping on the ladder and then to fall 18 feet...I guarantee less than 5 seconds...not worth spending the rest of your life in a wheel chair or worse!!!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:03:14 +0000

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