Sooooooo proud of Josh!!!! He did it! Their bedroom, the living - TopicsExpress


Sooooooo proud of Josh!!!! He did it! Their bedroom, the living room, dining room and kitchen floors are picked up! He did most of it with some help from Michael and mama here and there. He is SO determined to be able to have his friend Faith come over and play soon...he wants her to come tomorrow after church but we havent been able to reach them yet so we will see. It hit him that it took him from July until now to get himself motivated to clean up his things so that he can have a friend over. He has decided that waiting for that long for me to change my mind about the rule of cleaning up your things that are covering the floors in the house before you can have a friend over, didnt work. As he says...What was I thinking, Mom? I should have done this a long time ago. And it looks so nice and homey now. I cant believe I wasted all that time refusing to do it when I could have just done it and had friends over and stuff. What was I thinking, Mom? I told him that what is important now is to keep it picked up so that it doesnt get out of control like that anymore and it is easy to manage for them and us. He agreed. I told him I am VERY proud of him and gave him a big hug. I loved seeing the pride in a job well done and his excitement of being able to have friends over too. That is the longest I have had to hold my ground on a rule before he decided he couldnt sway me to change my mind and decided it was time to just stop fighting it and DO it. Wow! Whew! And for the record, he had a great attitude the whole time he was working too. I am SO, SO, SO proud of him!!!!!! --- Mary Joy
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 04:30:10 +0000

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