Sophia Jessweinposted toSTAY WITH US Bishop Bagrat - TopicsExpress


Sophia Jessweinposted toSTAY WITH US Bishop Bagrat Galstanyan People are still confused and searching for answers. The public has not received closure and the election issues have not been addressed. Some of the postings from new representatives has been slanderous and defamatory towards Sirpazan Bagrat Galestanyan. He left the community with a message of love, very much like Fr. Aren Jebejain, asked the community for forgiveness and acceptance of the circumstances. Yet the new council wishes to start their business by threatening the community, mud slinging and has made deceitful allegations and attacks on Sirpazan Bagrat to silence the community and avoid dealing with the real issues “the bylaw infractions” the community is seeking an explanation. In 10 years, How can one not be able to site one good thing about Bishop Bagrat. The government of Canada presented him with good stewardship awards, but you do not have one positive streak in you to acknowledge his good work. With that kind of a spirit how can one be involved in the church affairs. Your comments cannot effect Sirpazan Bagrat’s Legacy. In case you do not recall any of his good deeds, here is a few to refresh your memories. @ DVD PRODUCTION “VISIONS OF ARMENIA” @ CHILDRENS ARARAT CAMP @ CYMA CAMP @ YOUTH DANCE GROUP FROM ARMENIA @ CAPA CANAIAN ARMENIAN PERFORMING ARTS @ EDUCATIONAL JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM @ WEBSITE @ DIGITAL NEWSLETTER PUBLISHING REGULAR MONTHLY PRESS RELEASES ON ACTIVITIES OF PARISHES THROUGHOUT CANADA TO UNITE AND KEEP ARMENIANS INFORMED AND IN TOUCH WITH EACH OTHER. @ GOVERNMENT RELATIONS OFFICE INCLUDING MEETING PRIME MINISTER MARTIN, STEPHEN HARPER, MR. JASON KENNY AS WELL AS NUMERSOUS MLA’S AND GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. @ INTERFAITH/INTERCHURCH RELATIONS OFFICE TO NETWORK WITH OTHER CHURCHES AND REPRESENT ARMENIAN CHURCH TO OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUPS @ FAMILY OUTREACH SERVICES FOR ARMENIAN FAMILIES IN DISPAIR OR IN NEED @ “HABITATION ARARAT” SENIOR CITIZENS HOME TO GIVE OUR ELDERS THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE CARED FOR BY ARMENIANS. @ THE NON PROFIT FOUNDATION FOR ADVANCEMENT OF PERFORMING ART, MUSIC AND CULTURAL PROGRAMS TO RECEIVE FUNDING FOR SUCH PROGRAMS THAT WILL NOT BE GIVEN TO A CHURCH. ONE OF SUCH SUCCESSFUL EVENTS WAS CALLED BONJOUR L’ARMENIE. WITH THE WORDS TO THE SONG WRITTEN PERSONALLY BY BISHOP BAGRAT AND PROCEEDS FROM THIS VENUE WERE DONATED TO ARMENIAN SCHOOLS IN MONTREAL AND CHILDRENS’ HOSPITAL. The list goes on and on, above are just to name a few of the initiatives our community will enjoy and remember him by for years to come. Bishop Bagrat’s commitment was unquestionable, if you cannot find it in your heart to show appreciation for the infrastructure he left the community with, then your involvement in church would be a treat to the community. If you do not see the good in him just go and read the press releases of the past 10 years. Your comment about Bishop Bagrat orchestrated the protests is yet another demeaning, low life comment. For your information he opposed and begged people to stop. The reason for this website, and protests is because families with youth and children do not see dollar signs only like you, but see how his efforts have connected their families with church and given them a sense of identity to be proud of. The issue of illegal corrupt elections in church is what Canadian Armenians are protesting, Sirpazan Bagrat will be a blessing to any community he serves. It is our loss and worst of all we are stuck with the culprits. I will repost the bylaw infractions, the root cause of this stir up, addressed by Shahin, who was present at the elections as council member and was voted out at the election, leaving no representation in church council from British Columbia or the western provinces. A church is made of stone and mortar, A mortgage is a wise financial decision to be able to acquire assets, however, it is the loving participation of people young and old that makes a church, not clear title to an empty building. You also failed to mention all the other mortgages and debts currently outstanding i.e the huge debt of $1,000,000.00 dollars on the books of Toronto Church that is not even under construction, information was posted on this site, it appears the monies were secured and were undisclosed. The issue of by law infractions and bad politics has to be dealt with, if not by Vehapar Karekin II by Canadian Armenians before the community can come together. The issue is not even the debt of Laval church, it is the internal corrupt politics. How can they cry about a $1,000,000.00 debt for a construction project and blame Sirpazan for it when all the decisions had to be made by the council members and approved by the chairman and trustees. Community members have even offered to pay the debt if Sirpazan would stay. How can any credible person speak only of doom and gloom, not have one good thing to say for 10 years of commited service, the decency to remember any of the constructive projects Sirpazan so devoutly carried out to preserve our heritage. He led the way, he was very good at it and was passionate to bring our children and youth to church, share our cultural heritage and create religious and cultural ties with Canada. You have had your answers on this site madam, over and over but we are still awaiting on results of investigations and present parish council accoiuntability and will not give up until it is addressed. This is not about Bishop Bagrat anymore it is about the integrity of our leadership both from Etchmiatzin and in Canada to take the necessary steps to unite the community. A real Armenian not a fake name Sophia Jesswein
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 17:11:38 +0000

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