Sorry, I just had to say it... ORIGINAL POST Couldnt have said - TopicsExpress


Sorry, I just had to say it... ORIGINAL POST Couldnt have said this better myself! Dear President Obama, I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for all you have done and are doing. You see I am a single Mom located in the very small town of Palmer, Texas. I live in a small rental house with my two children. I drive an older car that I pray daily runs just a little longer. I work at a mediocre job bringing home a much lower paycheck than you or your wife could even imagine living on. I have a lot of concerns about the new “Obamacare” along with the taxes being forced on us Americans and debts you are adding to our country. I have a few questions for you Mr. President. Have you ever struggled to pay your bills? I have. Have you ever sat and watched your children eat and you eat what was left on their plates when they were done, because there wasn’t enough for you to eat to? I have. Have you ever had to rob Peter to pay Paul, and it still not be enough? I have. Have you ever been so sick that you needed to see a doctor and get medicine, but had no health insurance because it was too expensive? I have. Have you ever had to tell your children no, when they asked for something they needed? I have. Have you ever patched holes in pants, glued shoes, replaced zippers, because it was cheaper than buying new? I have. Have you ever had to put an item or two back at the grocery store, because you didn’t have enough money? I have. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep, because you had no clue how you were going to make ends meet? I have. My questions could go on and on. I don’t believe you have a clue what Americans are actually going through and honestly, I don’t believe you care. Not everyone lives extravagantly. While your family takes expensive trips that cost more than most of us make in two-four years, there are so many of us that suffer. Yet, you are doing all you can to add to the suffering. I think you are a very selfish and cold hearted man, who does not care what is best for the people he was elected by (not by me) to represent, but more so out for the glory of your name attached to history. So thank you Mr. President, thank you for pushing those of us that are barely staying afloat completely under water and driving America into the ground. You have made your mark in history, as the absolute worst and most hated president of the United States. God have mercy on your soul! Sincerely, Yolanda Vestal Average American RESPONSE: Michael Cole: I wonder if this woman realizes that Obama is about to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10, which will raise everybodys income. Not the move of a man that doesnt care. about an hour ago via mobile Loran Osborne: Michael, I wonder if you knew where the revenue for that was coming from during the period of one of the worst financial crises we have had since Jimmy Carter was POTUS? I also wonder if you were aware that that raise is contingent upon several codicils embedded within 3 Executive orders, 2 House Resolutions, and a Senate Proposal coming to pass, the failing of any of which will destroy the planned increase in its inception. Additionally, I wonder if you are aware of the enormous moral and economical price tag attached to those proposals, and what you must give up or accept as an American to help them come to pass. I caution you sir. Propaganda is propaganda, no matter who propagates it. I have often heard people make the statement that they had won $50 playing the lottery. But when you ask them how many tickets they had purchased, and what the unit price of those tickets were, you realized that they had spent between $250 and $500 before ever winning a dime. Common economics mean they had taken between a $200 to $450 loss, but the propaganda machine is good at what it does, and they feel a sense of triumph. Please, I do not intend insult, but do some more in depth research before posting defenses for one of the PROVEN most dishonest leaders the American People have ever had, sir.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 01:25:45 +0000

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