Sorry I was late a day, but heres the new updated list! Tier 1: - TopicsExpress


Sorry I was late a day, but heres the new updated list! Tier 1: Maokai, Khazix, Ryze, Orianna, Tristana, Syndra, Zed, Lucian, Alistar, Yasuo, Lee Sin, Zilean, Nami, Janna, Thresh, Nidalee Tier 2: Ahri, Rumble, Twitch, Irelia, Elise, Kayle, Jarvan IV, Xerath, Lulu, Braum, Corki, Kog, Talon, Caitlyn, Rengar, Tier 3: Fizz, Leona, Twisted Fate, Malphite, Eve, Ziggs, Kassadin, Rammus, Jinx, Morgana, Katarina, Mundo, Nocturne, Nunu, Jayce, Jax, Shyvanna, Karma, Changes 9/30/2014 Zilean moved up to tier 1 - As much as Id like to deny him being worthy of T1 the results in worlds just proves me wrong. Hes a very versatile pick thats shown to be very strong in the support or mid role. Part of his strength is his ability to be openly picked and put into multiple roles. The passive is also too good to ignore. 8% goes a long way in a game where levels determine power spikes and using those for early objective control. For these reasons I am moving him up to tier 1. Rumble moved up to tier 2 - Now last update I added him to tier 3 because I was unsure of how successful he would be. Worlds has shown Rumble is indeed a top lane powerhouse but I am unsure if hes worthy of T1. He is pulling some bans but it doesnt seem like every team is clamoring to get their hands on him. Just the good rumble players, much like any player on a champion theyre skilled with, will be banned if its seen as a large threat. For now hes climbing up to tier 2. Irelia moved up to tier 2 - Much like Rumble worlds has shown that these two old school champions are still very much viable. With other top lanes slowly falling out Irelia is now on the rise. Jarvan moved up in tier 2 - With other junglers being nerfed a little while ago its finally opened up the jungle from just Lee Sin and Elise. Along with the strength of Yasuo on the current patch, J4 settles in nicely to most team comps. Nidalee moved down in tier 1 - We didnt get to see too much of Nidalee these last few days at worlds. Granted nothings changed but players are feeling less inclined to pick her over other picks such as Kayle, Rumble, Irelia. I dont want to drop her from T1 as I still feel shes quite strong but its apparent that other champions are catching up to her in terms of picking power. Ahri moved up in tier 2 - This mid lane assassin is finding a home again in competitive play. Shes being seen more and more despite the recent DFG nerfs which seems a little odd but that hasnt stopped her from making picks and 100%-0 squishy enemy targets. The meta is quite pick orientated and she fits that job perfectly. Orianna moved up in tier 1 - Despite utility mages slowly falling out of the meta I feel Orianna is actually being picked more than ever. She continues to dominate lanes and provide great utility for her team. Part of the reason shes so successful is because she can lane vs most assassin mid lanes and win. She also prevents allies and herself from being 100%-0ed using her shield. A well placed Ori ultimate can win games single handily. Id say shes the best utility mage in the game currently. Lulu moved down to tier 2 - Lulu still offers a lot but more and more teams are finding it harder to out right pick her. She used to be able to be played mid or top successfully but with the meta shifting she isnt winning lanes like she used to be able too. Shes basically only really viable as a top laner now and she doesnt win all of her match ups anymore. Because of this I am moving her down. Twitch moved up in tier 2 - I am actually almost wanting to put Twitch in T1 but I am waiting to watch worlds again to see how much value teams are getting out of him. Groups C and D prioritized him a lot but well have to wait and see how he fairs vs teams that dont favor him quite so much. Either way hes moving up to the top of tier 2 because hes pulling bans and being played successfully despite his some what weak laning phase vs other ADCs. Mundo moved down to tier 3 - He was more of an NA champion that I felt was very strong. His absence is worlds from not only NA teams makes me feel like he was far too high on the list. Because of that I am moving him down. Xerath moved down in tier 2 - Only a baby bump down. For the sake of an accurate list I feel a few others hold a stronger picking spot then he does. Morgana moved down to tier 3 - Being played by pretty much only LemonNation has me feeling like since the caster support nerfs that she just isnt as good as she used to be. I do however feel shes still viable so I wont be cutting her from the list but down to tier 3 is where she will have to go. Nunu moved down to tier 3 - I almost want to cut him off the list but for months in NA right before worlds he was one of if not the biggest jungle threat. Metas change and champions fall out of favor but I am not ready to give up on the yeti. Kassadin added to tier 3 - Every now and then we see a Kassadin again in competitive play. I feel he still has a place, but it will have to be in tier 3 as he is no where near being a top pick after his 78th nerf in a row hehe. Rammus added to tier 3 - Now I was surprised when I saw him once at worlds but having him be picked multiple times makes me feel like theres some potential I am over looking. Granted he was only picked when the other junglers were banned out or picked but thats basically what tier 3 is for. For the picks that still work when the best ones are taken. Akali removed from the list - As much of a good counter she was to Yasuo, his nerfs coming up along with the meta shifting I feel she doesnt have a home on the list anymore. Even though Akali also has a slight buff in the works I am not sure that will propel her into competitive viability. Nasus removed from the list - He had a good little run as a Maokai counter along with a small amount of other good match ups but with the rise of other top laners he just doesnt seem to make the cut. Because of this I will be removing him from the list. Amumu removed from the list - He just isnt seeing any play because of his weak early game. Lots of junglers can just invade and take over, hes also quite dependent on blue buff. Even though I think hes pretty good his flaws stop him from seeing the competitive light. For these reason I am removing him from the list. Swain removed from the list - Doing some fall cleaning of the list. He shouldnt of been on here. Top solo queue champions (no specific order) 1.) Talon (mid) 2.) Nidalee (top) 3.) Syndra (mid) 4.) Maokai (top) 5.) Morgana (support) 6.) Thresh (support) 7.) Tristana (adc) 8.) Lucian 9.) (adc) Khazix (jungle) 10.) Elise (jungle) 11.) Ryze (top / mid) 12. Fiddlesticks (jungle) 13. Braum (support) 14. Janna (support) 15. Caitlyn (adc) 16. Zed (mid) Changes: Added Zed (mid) I will add more information to this list as it progresses. For now here at the top 13 champions I feel will give you the best edge in solo queue. They are listed in no specific order, more as a blank statement to what I feel is good for each role to climb with. **** READ BEFORE COMMENTING **** This is a tier list that focuses on competitive play so it will not reflect solo queue at all. These arent in perfect order but I tried my best to list them in terms of strength and picking power. Picking power is their ability to be openly picked with little to no counters while giving you the ability to hide the rest of your composition to allow your team mates to counter pick other roles or build off of said champion picked. I hope you enjoy my little tier list I threw together. If I am missing anything here let me know in the comments and most of all TELL ME WHY so we can discuss my reasoning or maybe even prove me wrong T1 - These champions are almost all great first picks or great bans. Some can be played in multiple roles while others dominate lanes or team fights. Some champions here are what I like to call Great open picks as they have little to no counters and leave your team mates open to counter pick other roles / lanes. Either way every champion in T1 excels at what they do and can fit into any team comp or can have comps built around them. Youll see these champions usually cover all of the bans and be picked in the 1-3 slots. T2 - Champions in this tier are also great picks and sometimes pull bans due to their strength. They round out team comps very well but dont pull as much weight as the T1 champs do in terms of role flexibility and overall team composition power. Most of these champions are good open picks that allow you to go into lane safely while also allowing you to hide another roles champion so they can counter pick more effectively. Youll commonly see these as your 2-4 picks. T3 - In tier 3 resides a lot of champions that have the potential to be amazing but need the right mix of champions on their team, or they need other stronger picks to be picked or banned for them to see the light of day. These champions arent necessarily bad but they dont hold the picking power that the other champions do. Youll see these champions usually picked in the 4-5 spots as theyre great counter picks or other viable sources to fill and round out team comps.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 23:27:59 +0000

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