Sorry Im kinda behind in my posts, I thought since I posted - TopicsExpress


Sorry Im kinda behind in my posts, I thought since I posted yesterday morning Id skip last night.....big mistake! :) Sunday started out quiet, Dave, Crystal and Bobby left for home around 8:30 and Jon David and I went back to sleep. That was so nice to have that break. Most nights I may get about 5 hrs sleep. So it was nice to catch up. Easter is a hard time for us to be away from home. But we were looking forward to meeting the Jiriks and OBriens for dinner later in the day. Weve so enjoyed getting to know these families . Weve shared so many things in the short time weve know each other! Jon David got really sad Sunday afternoon. He had a relatively minor problem come up, but it was one to many today and sent him over the edge. All the what ifs and how can is were brought up and we both had a very tearful afternoon. I was able to somewhat distract him after awhile and we recovered nicely in time for our dinner. We had dinner at Fados an Irish tavern, and had a great time with our friends here. It was a wonderful way to end our Easter Day and we were so thankful! Today was a special for our family as well as a busy therapy day. Ill tell you about our therapy first. I had talked with our caseworker Friday about the fact that we had not had time to meet the goals that were set upon our arrival. As with most schedules there are always delays and distractions during our four weeks here that seemed to take away the focus of working on our goals. Yet Shepherds at this point has decided its time for us to go. We really arent to distraught over that , but it feels somewhat neglectful to leave without having met the goals......thats my opinion. It is what it is. This trip has been a little harder on us being away. Dave doesnt do well when we arent all together and driving here every weekend is not good for him. But I know he wont stay home........20 plus hrs on the road every weekend is just to much for anyone after a full work week. And we miss our friends, family and we really miss our therapy team! I keep comparing our therapy team in Arkansas to our team here.....we have a good team here, but we feel loved in Arkansas we are ready to go. Now to today...........we were contacted last week by University of Arkansas InterFraternity Council President William Ogle, he had asked if a member of our family could attend their end of year Banquet, because they had a donation check to present to Jon David . They had held a golf tournament for all the fraternities during Row week at the University last weekend and wanted to present the donation to us. We had only learned of this golf tournament by chance just a couple days before Williams call. We were so touched and honored by their thoughtfulness! Can you imagine how gratifying it is as a parent to know that even a year after graduation, your child is remembered.......not forgotten? Of course we agreed to have Dave come. So after driving all day yesterday, he drove to Fayetteville this evening.....wouldnt have missed it for the world! Then late last week, we were contacted by Todd Jenkins who is with the U of A Greek Life Office. He told me that they were establishing The Jon David Bruning Unsung Hero Award, an annual award that will be given to a Greek member that works hard behind the scenes as Jon David had done when he was a IFC member. Jon David would be awarded the first award at the Banquet..........I literally had no words, we were so honored. You always wonder when you send your child out into the college world how they will do, will they study, make wise choices ,will they choose the right friends. And even while they are there, you never really know............. Only when we had such a tragedy occur, did we truly comprehend the magnitude of the success our child had made of his life. Success in choosing a great school, success in choosing loving quality friends and their families that have stuck with him and US in our time if need. Success in working hard for his school and new job.........we are so blessed and proud . So this weekend as I went through pictures of this last year and his 4 years in college, to send in for a video they wanted to show at the Banquet, I was thankful that he was given this time in college. He lived life to the fullest and joyfully.....I can say without a doubt, his time at the U of A, was the best days of his life. That he was successful, was a bonus. We are thankful, and struggling with sorrow. Kelly, Jon Davids good friend took over the video making duties and she created a masterpiece. Most of these pictures I had never seen and am so thankful to now have........Ive cried buckets of tears watching this video. Yet Im thankful for those good times and good thankful. Its only towards the end, when the pictures in ICU and rehab come does the sorrow. We remind ourselves constantly, that Gods plan will be revealed, but it doesnt keep the what ifs away.......yet. We would like to thank the following people for the incredible honor and moment of joy that you gave our family tonight: The University of Arkansas, Parice Bowser, Todd Jenkins, William Ogle, the IFC Council, The Greek Family at the U of A, Jon Davids Phi Delta Theta Brothers, Sam Atkinson, Cole Elliot, Kelly Lamb, Blevin Brown. If Ive missed someone and Im sure I have, I apologize...... You have blessed us in so many ways this past year and tonight youve shown a broken young man that he still matters. We are truly humbled and grateful to you all. Love, Jacki
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 05:41:48 +0000

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