Sorry, Ive been MIA today. My daughters graduation ceremony this - TopicsExpress


Sorry, Ive been MIA today. My daughters graduation ceremony this morning and Ive been pretty emotional. I didnt think it would be so hard! My daughter was born 3 months premature and only weighed 2 lbs 1 oz when she was born. I watched her struggle for her life for 3 months in the hospital before I could even bring her home. I remember spending my first mothers day by her incubator, praying to God that I would be able to take her home soon to be her mom. The doctors told us she may be blind and deaf and she may never walk. They said that she may have lung problems and heart problems. Thank God, none of that happened, although she has had many struggles along the way. I have watched her go through 9 major spine surgeries and painful, long recoveries. I sat by her hospital bed for weeks at a time watching hopelessly while she was in pain and I couldnt do anything to take that pain away. Everyone knows that is the very worst feeling for a parent. Ive watched her battle countless other obstacles in her 18 years. Today, watching her walk across the stage to get her diploma was one of the most special days of my life, as Ive reflected on what she has overcome and the amazing young woman she has become. the same time, I am struggling so much! This girl has never been able to run or ride a bike or do many of the other things that other kids do. So, after all of am I supposed to let her go out into this scary world. How do I let go? I want to protect her forever. It is hard being a parent during both the good times and the bad times! Your children have such a control over your heart. Its amazing. I am excited and terrified at what the future has in store for her but I will tell you one thing, she has taught me the meaning of life (along with my other children of course) She has grown into such a smart, compassionate, strong and beautiful young lady and I am so proud of her.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 23:04:04 +0000

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