Sorry Mis Hamilton there is no such thing as karma it is a word - TopicsExpress


Sorry Mis Hamilton there is no such thing as karma it is a word the world made up and I have no idea what your are talking about your born in a legal imbilical cord umbilical cord cut legal and you believe in reincarnation. more like and for lack of a better word no such thing only Heaven with Christ or Hell and incineration the word of God is the truth there is NO NO other way to heaven except by the blood of Jesus he died for mine and your sins karma is new age but an old word and read Leviticul 19 28 and God put you and formed you knit and wove you in your Mothers womb she nourished you through your umbilical cord....He knew you before he spoke creation into place and he had your name on his hand before you were yet in your mothers womb he tells you that you sister are fearfully and wonderfully made bottom line he loves you so much our great I AM that he gave us his only begotten son sinless the lamb white to be fully man emmanuel and fully God to come here and in obedience to his heavenly Father if you know Jesus then you know the works and will and nature of our loving patient merciful gracious righteous HOLY HOLY God he loves you dear one he wants you to have his promise of everlasting life with him and he does not want you to die if you do without Jesus as your savior you are as the word of God says the wages of sin are death...permanent you dont get to come back and be an animal or some other person or a person from the past that is a lie from the Father of all lies Satan believe in God sin satan death hell forever or Jesus light God Heaven eternal life with our God who spoke creation into place formed man from clay to take dominion over the world and all the creatures in it and on the planet and the very first CPR ever performed was on Adam God the word breathed means inspired into Adams nostrils and then he made him a companion Eve he put Adam into a deep sleep and wo man comes from man was made from the rib of Adam and we have one extra and men have one less .....Now that is true I would not tell you or mislead you , I love you as God loves you I want you to be saved Jesus is our savior no works nothing we can do as we are sinners as you have heard the story of the serpent in the Garden where Adam and Eve lived in unison with God in the garden tempted and lied to Eve eat the apple off the forbidden tree God just does not want you to have knowledge so Eve did and tempted Adam to do the same and immediately they knew they were naked and they hid from God they disobeyed God he gave them everything and only asked for one thing and ever since the nature of mankind is sinful we sin we are sinners we were born unto sin but Jesus was our way out of this terrible life of sin and death the cross for You oh precious one if you fear anything dont fear Satan and death the word of God says in Proverbs that the first sign of true godly knowledge is in FEARING THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY with God on our side no one can be against us he is the beginning and the end the alpha omega always was and always will be the Father Son and Holy Ghost the Holy devine Trinity of God for he so loved the world and may I remind you at the end of times when God raptures up his body of the church those that accepted Jesus as their savior invited him into their hearts confessed all there sin and asked for forgivenss Jesus washes us clean and robes us in white and we repent turn from our sinful ways and live in the love and light of our most Holy Majesty, no voodoo no black magic no tarrot or palm reading no mediums no all are de This is sent with so much love as always yours in Christ Jesus amen luv Nanny x0x0x0x0x0x0 remember karma and reincarnation are from the devil a lie to keep you from Jesus and yes even Satan parades like an angel of light DO NOT BE FOOLED please I beg of You call him and he will be there jesus I send the word of God out ahead of my response to you dear one Do not believe me just simply ask Jesus Jesus if you are real with a sincere heart and be open he will make himself known to you and you will never ever ever be the same again ask him not me dear one I pray that you find him he is pure Love!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 23:32:32 +0000

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