Sorry but all these protest need a reality check. Most are - TopicsExpress


Sorry but all these protest need a reality check. Most are peaceful, but still saying stuff like NYPD=KKK is stupid and not right. Dont mean to upset anyone but facts are facts. Something like .0000005% of African Americans are killed by white cops and 93% of are killed by other African Americans that is a fact. But even blacks that bring this up are put down. The worst part is if I point out this Im a racist and that is total BS and unfair...Im not ...I have friends of all races, gay, straight it doesnt matter to me and many people including the majority of police in the USA. Many protest are peaceful like in NY but protest like in Oakland and Berkeley Cali have some people looking to stir shit up and mess with cops...they dont give a shit about how black people are treated...Oakland is a hotbed for antiracist...NO WAY trashing and burning down businesses helps the cause....Ferguson only hurt local black owned businesses and citizens ....what happened there was a disgrace and in part was started by Mike Browns step dad. Al Sharpton is laughing all the way to the bank taking advantage of these tragedies. There are under reported stories from families of other blacks shot that want nothing to do with Rev Al after dealing with him and how they feel he took over their sons one case Rev Al put out a press release moving the funeral to another day and saying Rev Al would read the eulogy...the family made Rev Al retract the press release and told him to stay away. There is true racism in this country sadly, but I think some of these rallies and their outrage miss the mark. Sorry having been stuck with a broken kneecap watching TV for weeks and on the internet and reviewing all kinds of stories there is way more to this then the average person is seeing. No Im NOT talking about crazy ass fox news stories either lol. Peace.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 04:55:08 +0000

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